"He can't go anywhere with any of you unless you are his parents or have full proof you are allowed to take him." Sandra says all snotty and rude.

"My mum is dead. My Dad is in bad guy jail. They can't pick me up."

Fucking hell. Way to go Luka.

Sandra has a face of pure embarrassment. As she should. "Well I'm sorry. You can go on home now Luka dear."

I take his left hand and Issac goes to walk behind us but Luka's words take me by surprise.

"Can this man hold my hand too?"


"Can this man hold my hand too?" My heart explodes for the 500th time of being with Lil and now her brother.

I look at Liliana for approval and she just nods softly at me. "Of course I can." I take Luka's hand, my heart pounding, leaving me with the biggest smile on my face.

Once we are in the car, Luka decides we are gonna play 50 questions and ask me every single bastard one.

"Are you dating?"


"Do you kiss?"


"Have you been dating short time?"


"Do you like each other?"


"Are you in love?"

I freeze. Liliana freezes. Luka asks again thinking we didn't hear him.

"Do you want McDonald's Luka?" Lil speaks up distracting him from his question.


So we pull into McDonald's and for the rest of the journey he doesn't ask anymore questions.

"I feel really sick, I need to lay down." Liliana is as white as a ghost. It's been a few hours since we arrived back to Warlock house.

All three have us have been waiting for Landon and Lewis to return home but there's been no sign yet.

Luka storms off into his play room leaving me to carry Liliana to bed before she passes out.

"I'm here darling, do you want some paracetamol?" Liliana nods. So I hand her the pills and a bottle of water.

"I think I'm getting a bug. I'm so hungry." She sniffles which confirms she must be getting a bug.

"Me and Luka will make you some grilled cheese and soup." The cutest little smile lights her face up as she closes her eyes.

I place a kiss on her forehead and head downstairs to retrieve Luka.

"Hey little man, Li Li isn't feeling well, I need you to help me make her feel better. Can you do that?" This kids play room is bigger than his bedroom.

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