I'm so proud of her.

"Hey Isaac." It was a male voice but it wasn't Jackson so my heart stays beating.

I don't even know this guys name, what does he want?

"Hello minion number 1, what can I help you with?" I hear Liliana scoff and skate next to me. It's so cute how she's so confident because anyone else would most likely hide behind me but she stands next to me like a fucking queen.

"My name is Ashton. And I wanna speak to you."

"Greattttt." I say sarcastically, Liliana wraps her arm around mine and lays her head on me.

"I know what you did to Jackson and I just want to say you won't get away with it. As soon as his injury is healed he's coming straight for you."

I wish I fucking cared is what I want to say but I restrain myself and keep the sarcasm down.

"Sounds good, now toddle off to Gru." Ashton shakes his head and skates off in a mood.

Guess I won't keep my sarcasm down.

"I'm sorry about that, do you want to go now. I'm really sorry." Liliana looks so confident on the outside but inside I know she is blaming herself for this.

"Baby, this isn't your fault okay? I hurt him, I did that, not you so stop apologising." My voice is quiet as I run my hands through her hair.

"You're too nice to me."

"No this is just bare minimum baby, there's a whole lot more I'm going to show you, but this. This is the basics."

Her face lights up smiling. As we skate out of the rink.

"Issac I have a really cool idea but I don't know if you will want to do it." Me and Lil are driving towards the town to have a look at some shops, there's a really cool bookshop nearby and and arts and craft shop for Liliana too.

"What's the idea baby?" Of course she won't tell me but it's worth asking.

"I need a big canvas and I need you to pick some colours to paint with. That is all I'm saying." Does she want to paint me again? Because if so then I'd happily sit and stare at her for hours on end.

When we pull into the art shop it's quite small but I notice the canvases in the window so Liliana asks the shop assistant to help her while she forces me to go find some acrylic paint colours.

There's so many choice but eventually I settle on a light pink, a sun flowery yellow and a dark green. I then notice a deep orange and a blue colour which I pick up too.

"Will 5 colours be enough?" Lil places the canvas at the checkout and nods at me. I've never been so confused in my life.

"Why do you have a small canvas too?" What is she planning?

"That's for a normal painting, I have my own paints for that. But it gave me the idea after I had this ideas."

She takes out her purse but before she has time to tap her card, I steal it from her fingers and place mine in her hand instead.

"Issac give me my card back."

"No, now tap the card to pay darling." She frowns at me and I swear it's the cutest thing I've ever seen.

"No let me pay for my own things." Fine she wants to be like that. I place her card in her hand so she slams mine on my chest.

The total came to $132.88 but I made sure to transfer $135 into her account because why would I let her pay for anything anymore?

I just can't wait till she realises.

The car is full of paint, books and two canvases.

Driving back to the resort me and Liliana listen to Taylor Swift again, everyone likes Taylor Swift and if you don't then you're weird.

"I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING BUT I KNOW I MIS YOUUUUUU." Liliana screams Betty in the car and I'm paying close attention to the lyrics because I'm not too familiar with this song.

After Betty Illicit Affairs comes on and I've never heard a woman scream so much.

Liliana practically shatters the car window with how loud she shouts. I do love this song but something clearly hits different in Liliana's brain.

"Do you know the last dinner party?" Her breathing is heavy after screaming so much.

"I've heard of the band yes but I've not heard their songs."

She nods her head and starts singing to Taylor yet again...

Liliana shouts for me to come into the bedroom and when I do, she has moved the bed to the wall, the canvas lays on the ground, it takes up half the room.

"This canvas is taller than you Lil." I tease then get punched in the arm. Ouch thanks.

Their is huge paint splotches on the canvas wrapped in plastic wrap. I think I know what going on here.

"It's all set up, now it just needs to be painted." She smirks and I instantly know that my idea was wrong. We aren't standing on it.

She wants me to fuck her on it, and I'm even more surprised she is suggesting this rather than standing on it because this is extreme.

I've never been more turned on.


Get ready for the next chapter because it's going to be a ride to say the least.

Thank you for reading <3

Thank you for reading <3

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