Part 4:The Hotel Room

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I enter the hotel room, it looks cozy. there's a 74 inch TV a bed and a kitchen. First I grab a phone and call Hoeman 

"uh hello" he says

"yeah its me Gary I've been teleported to some furry planet I'm planning on committing mass murder" I said

"go ahead whatever tickles your fancy" he said

"alright bye" I said

"yeah" he said

I then lay on the bed thinking about how I'm going to commit this mass murder. 


4 years later I pick up a kitchen knife and walk to the room beside me I knocked on their door

"uh hello what do you want human" they said 

"first of all, I HAVE A NAME. Second, can I come in?"

"uh sure"

"thank you" "its a nice place you have here"

"I know what you're doing"

"oh, trust me you don't"

I sneak up behind him and stab his shoulder, I then put his dead body in the bath tub. and leave to my room. then I act like I found the body 


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