Chapter 11: A Kiss From My Miss

Start from the beginning

Realizing the position we were in, I feel a deep blush on my face. I am between his legs, both hands grabbing his shoulders from trying to stabilize myself. We are eye level with each other, and I quickly divert my gaze to the comforter behind him, attempting to look anywhere but his eyes.

"Were you planning on waltzing into my office and apologizing in this skimpy little dress? Are you trying to seduce me?" He questions me.

I looked down at that question, realizing in that moment that I had nothing but my thin slip on. The abrupt notification of his arrival made me forget to put a coat on and cover up!

I blush harder at his lewd words, feeling the tips of my ears heat up. "Y-you have me mistaken! I wasn't expecting you to visit so hastily, so it slipped my mind to put on a coat! I will get one right now!"

I tried to dislodge myself from his hold, but his hands had moved to my waist, preventing me from leaving.

"Yet you decide to try and apologize at such late hours instead of morning time? How come?" He further questions me.

"W-well, I am leaving first thing tomorrow morning and didn't know if you would be busy with work and such at that time..." I tried to explain my reasoning.

Emperor Kruos laughs at my words, leaving me slightly confused. Does he not have a busy schedule?

"You aren't leaving tomorrow, you silly girl." His words make me freeze.

"What do you mean?" I question, my heart leaping in fear. Will I be getting a punishment for my actions tomorrow? I didn't expect it to be so soon!

"You were selected to be one of the ten candidates that will be participating to become the empress." He casually remarks.


"Your majesty, I think your royal advisors must be mistaken. I cannot be a candidate," I exclaim in disbelief.

"Why not?" He questions.

"Because I am barely even a noble!" I cannot help but use being a failed princess in this situation.

"You are a princess, are you not?"

"Not anymore, technically. My kingdom is no longer, remember?" I reminded him of when I first introduced myself.

"You are a princess of Therasis."

"I never took that title when I was offered, therefore I am technically not royalty there," I reiterate.

"That does not matter to me." He brushes it off.

"But it should, since you are the emperor!" I relent.

His eyes narrow in displeasure at my defiance. "Why are you fighting so hard to not become a candidate?" His biting tone causes me to freeze, his large hands giving my waist a light, but threatening squeeze.

" should choose someone who is of higher status..." I lamely attempt to lie.

Well, it is partially true. Emperor Kruos should realistically be choosing someone of higher status, though I couldn't care less about who he selected as long as it wasn't me.

He immediately notices. "You are lying."

Not wanting to admit to lying, though he already knew, I switched the topic. "Even if I were of higher status, we are incompatible people, your majesty."

Emperor Kruos looks lethal at my words. Well, that just somehow made it so much worse, somehow.

"And how did you determine that?" His voice held anger.

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