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Zoon's throat was  dry.  Her head was spinning but she had to tell Chala. She had to inform her that what exactly happened that day.

Maybe then she will not resent Daniel like she did now.

She looked at her  with determination.

“ Chala I have to tell you something. I know that you are going to hate me for this but I seriously need to get this ---”, Zoon.

“ No, Zooni. Don't tell her anything. I know you want to confess things but think carefully. Someone might be recording these conversations and I don't want my mother to lose her last hope.

If she knew you falsely accused me then she will lose her faith in you and I can't afford that. I don't want that.

Truth can be painful in some situations, Zooni.”, he interrupted her.

“ What happened, Miss? What are you saying?", Chala.

Zoon looked at her  then shook her head.

“ Nothing important. Oh!  I realised that I have to go somewhere...”, Zoon exclaimed.

“ Ok, I guess then I will leave. ”, Chala said.

After Chala left, Zoon began to dress up. Zara had messaged her. She wanted to meet immediately.

Daniel looked at her but didn't ask anything because he knew someone could be recording their conversations.

So he decided to stay back and   find anything suspicious in the apartment.


Zoon entered the building. It was renovated. It seemed like Zara was getting more funding than before. It was probably because Zoon joined the  party.

“ Zoon, finally. You are here.", Zara as she appeared before her.

“  Yeah, I am here. Now tell me what happened.", Zoon.

“ Not here follow me.", Zara as she headed towards  the lift.

“ Wow, lift! You are rich now  Zara.", Zoon.

“ Don't jinx it.",  Zara said.

As elevator door opened, Zoon noticed that there are two more men in the lift.

“ Good Afternoon, ma'am.”,  both of them greeted.

“ Good Afternoon gentlemen. Ah, this is Gulam and Sham.", Zara as she pointed towards two men. 

“ Hello, I am Zoon.", Zoon said.

“ Nice to meet you.", Gulam said.

As soon as lift opened they got out. Zoon looked at Gulam once again. The man had different features. He was definitely one of illegal immigrants.

Zoon entered Zara's cabin.

“ Now that I think about it. You weren't introduced properly to the party members. We need a welcome party as soon as possible.”, Zara ranted.

“ I don't think so. Now tell me, why did you call me here?”, Zoon asked.

“ BOORING... But seriously we have to hold some gathering to rejoice your admission to out prestigious party.”, Zara.

“ I am not  a college student, ok.”, Zoon.

“ Whatever, you will have to come when I arrange small gathering for you. After all I am party president.", Zara said.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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