Prologue - The Fall

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Her hand with long fingers rested on my chest. I felt it warm and friendly. She looked into my eyes and smiled.

- Do you know you're my best friend?

- I know.

- And you know I would never hurt you?

Why is she asking me this?

I glanced at her lips, almost expecting the unspoken question to be answered. She wasn't wearing makeup, yet she looked impeccable. I saw the smile bloom on her lips immediately. I felt the increasing pressure of her hand on my chest. I saw the whiteness of her perfect teeth, and at the same moment, I felt the violent jerk of her hand. I felt like I was hit by a locomotive. I lost my balance and, before I could realize what was happening, I tumbled over the edge.

She pushed me!!!

I instinctively flailed my arms, trying to grab onto something, her hand, the edge of the wall, anything to keep me up there. I touched nothing. Surprise and fear froze my scream in my throat.

I'm falling!

My clothes fluttered in the wind like the wings of a dove. The red scarf with white polka dots slipped off my neck and seemed to stay in place while I continued my fall.

I'm going to die!

I rolled in the fall and ended up face down. I was flying towards the cobblestone pavement, and it seemed like the pavement was flying towards me. I closed my eyes.

Like a raindrop on the windshield of a racing car...

It's said that in such moments, those before inevitable death, your life flashes before you like in a kaleidoscope. I saw nothing.

I heard a deafening crack.

The whip of the gods!

I opened my eyes and...

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