|| CHAPTER 4 ||

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Principal's POV

Me and my wife ( who was my girlfriend), we were in a happy relationship. I loved her very much and so did she.

She was very loyal to me and always checked on me like a mom. Cared for me and been in my difficult times

I wasn't loyal to her. She was living with her parents while i was living with my boys.

At night, i used to text her good night and then go to pubs, fuck hot chicks and get drunk all night. So basically i was cheating on her

I don't know why but doing all these felt cool . I was in my early 20s. So fucking multiple girls, going to pubs, getting drunk was considered as ' cool '.

I started feeling uninterested on her and avoided her all the time but she used to annoy me by double texting or by calling me. If i say her am busy( even though am not) she would start her drama saying that I don't give her time and i don't love her.
It was actually true but i was denying it all the time because i didn't want to lose her as she was a very pretty girl with a good heart.

Whenever my side chicks were busy. I used to sneak into her house through the window. Fuck her till she pass out.

Sometimes i used to ask her nudes
When i used to feel bored during classes.

One day, we thought of going on a date. I booked a table in a very luxurious restaurant.

While having lunch, i had to pee so i went to the washroom leaving my phone and wallet on the table not aware of the consequences.

After doing my work. When i was heading back to my table i saw my girlfriend going through my phone.

I freaked out thinking i would get caught because there were pictures and nudes of the girls whom i fucked .

I immediately took out a ring from my pocket and proposed her.

I didn't buy it for her. It was a ring which my side chick left behind and i picked it up to give it back to her in our next meet

The ring was made up of diamond and looked all new. So it wasn't suspicious

" Will you marry me?"
" Yessssssss!! " She said excitedly keeping my phone back on the table

Then after a month, we got married and this time i actually started liking her . Because of some health issues she got into coma for years and this made me realise her importance.

I stopped seeing other girls and always prayed for her to wake up.

When i reached my early 30s. She woke up . Everything was back to normal. We were living very happily.

We worked hard in the day time and fucked hard at night.
After coming back from work. We used to bath together, eat together, fuck and sleep together, brush together , almost evrything we did together and evrything felt amazing.

Then we tried for a baby and blessed with twins. She dropped from her work to take care of the kids.

That was when things started getting wierd.

She used to act very strange and get irritated and annoyed everytime i speak to her . I thought it might be because its tiring for her to take care if two kids and maybe that's why she gets aggressive.

I asked her if i could take a long leave for a month and help her out with household works but she strongly denied it.

Years passed by and she never came back to normal

She stopped talking to me out of blue . She used to wake up at midnight and talk to someone on phone call. I used to think she was talking to her girls ranting about her problems as she used to do it before too.

But i was wrong.

One day at work, i was feeling very nauseous. So i came back home . I didn't knock the door thinking the kids would be sleeping as it was 3 in the afternoon and i didn't want to wake them up.

I entered the living room and found my kids sleeping . I was wondering why, because there was a separate room for my kids but then i thought maybe they were watching tv or something and fell asleep. But the strange thing was the tv was off .

I slowly entered in, to surprise my wife . I searched her everywhere but couldn't find her. I then went upstairs to my kids room where i found her getting eaten by a old man , maybe he was in his late 50s or early 60s.

He was licking her pussy like icecream but she wasn't even flinching or moaning.

I entered in . She saw me didn't even feel sorry and continued getting eaten. The guy too didn't give a shit

I didn't have any words left to say.. because i knew there was a time wherein i too cheated on her . That moment and this moment were totally different because we were married and it was wrong of her to cheat after marriage but still . I couldn't look in her eyes again. My heart was broken into multiple pieces.

I packed my bags and without even thinking twice about my children i left home . I never knew that it would hurt me soo much.

And thats when i realised that karma was real.


Becoz of some personal issues I can't update the next part
But i promise to update it by next week

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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