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The car ride home was mostly silent and incredibly tense.

You also couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. When you looked around to sate your paranoia, you found nothing suspicious and whittled it down to the anxiety having your face plastered across every news channel in hell.

On your way out of her father's manor, you decided to fill Charlie in about your hands and cheek. She said it was a gamble whether her dad would react well to your being human or not. Being neutral to it, however, was something she would not have imagined. She was just relieved that you were alright.

She theorized that he may have assumed you were just wearing face paint for 'shits and giggles' (your words, not hers). There were some demons in Hell that did have skin tones similar to when they were human, so it wouldn't be too outrageous for you to, as well.

Though it would be no surprise if he jumped to the conclusion that you were human due to your being televised all over Hell the day prior.

Not knowing where his head was at was going to kill you.

But worrying about that wasn't going to get you anywhere. Charlie believed you two had searched everywhere in her old place that was likely to hold the key to you getting home. To your relief, the likelihood of returning was slim to none.

There was no need to stress over her father figuring you out since you wouldn't have to risk running into him again.

The only thing you needed to focus on was getting those godforsaken cobwebs off the chandelier in the hotel foyer.

Vaggie was able to get the place mostly cleaned up in the time you were gone, but there were still a few things left that you were able to help with. After all they had done for you, this was the least you could do for them in return.

As you climbed back down the ladder, you saw Charlie pacing and muttering to herself. Even though you only met her recently, you knew how much the hotel and her plan to redeem sinners meant to her.

If this didn't go well, she would absolutely take it to heart. She seemed like the type to barricade herself in a room to sulk for weeks on end. Or maybe bawl her eyes out whilst shoveling heaping spoonfuls of ice cream down her own throat.

Probably both.

"You know, this place is really coming together," you said as you walked up to her.

She paused to face you.

"You think so?" she asked, glancing around the foyer in search of anything in need of tending. "Gosh, what if he doesn't like the color scheme, or—or the motifs? What if he decides he isn't interested in redemption at all?"

"Hey," you said to get her attention as you leaned back into her view. "If he weren't interested in what you're offering, he wouldn't be coming by to check things out. And I really don't think your choice in décor will be what turns him away."

You chuckled a bit as you glanced at the odd horse statues and slightly tattered wallpaper. It wasn't modern or trendy, but it did have character. That was for sure.

She nodded with a far-off gaze, ruminating on your words.

"Even if he does decide that this isn't for him—though I don't think that will happen—there are so many people down here! I find it hard to believe that you won't find some who are interested," you continued. "Think about all the souls that believed they'd be going to Heaven but ended up here instead. They'd probably give up an arm and a leg to be redeemed."

Her shoulders slacked, and her back loosened as she released a deep breath. Looking back at you, her face appeared more relaxed.

"'re totally right," she said with a soft smile. "We just need to be patient."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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