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You finally made it on TV. Fame and fortune were nearly yours for the taking. People would be lining up outside for your autograph and maybe even just the chance to catch a glimpse of you.

The 'Human in Hell.'

That was the headline the news broadcasters decided on. It was slapped on top of a clip of you hauling ass through the rancid streets of Hell. You were clearly panic stricken and fearing for your life, but why would the announcers care about that?.

A darn shame it was being aired live across all of Hell. Your dignity was the price you would pay for fame amongst the worst people to walk the Earth.

You were curled into yourself on the couch, unable to peel your eyes away from the screen. Vaggie was pacing behind it, muttering out profanities you didn't know existed. And Charlie? She was doing her best to calm the both of you down. Bless her heart.

The reason you had to end your little escapade to the Morningstar Manor early was because Vaggie texted saying she had bad news. You thought perhaps her recruiting backfired or there could have been a fire in the hotel that she couldn't put out.

You did not expect to be called back because the entirety of Hell now had you on their radar. This complicated things quite a bit as one might imagine. It was much easier to hide as a human when only a handful of people knew about you. Now, everyone's eyes were peeled in hope of finding you.

"Look, she's all-over social media, too," Vaggie groaned, showing her phone screen to the two of you. She began to read off some of the posts, "Vox and Katy Killjoy are promising viewers an interview with her...There's already bidding wars for Christ's sake!"

"Let's not worry too much about this...As long as we make sure she's in her disguise when we're out, it'll all be okay," Charlie said.

"They caught her on video. What if they tracked her to the hotel? They could show up any second looking for her!"

It was touching she cared so much about your well-being in this situation, but the goal was to have you back home as soon as possible. Once you were out of Hell, none of this would be a problem. You doubted demons would pass into the living world just to come after you. At that point, there was an endless number of humans to choose from.

"I don't know...They probably would have already shown up if they knew she was here," Charlie reasoned, and Vaggie's pacing began to slow.

"I was able to get away from all the demons that were after me by the time I found the hotel," you added. "No one should have been around to see me come in."

Charlie was finally able to get Vaggie to sit, and a tense silence enveloped the three of you. Charlie was rubbing Vaggie's arms soothingly, so you took it upon yourself to turn off the tv. There was no point in listening to it anymore. All it did was stress everyone out, and there was nothing you could really do about it. Your current plan of action remained the best.

"So how was your day, Vaggie?" you asked in hopes of breaching a more positive topic.

"Oh, right! Did you find anybody who would be interested in staying with us?" Charlie chimed in with a bright grin.

The poor girl sighed in response.

"There was one person who was interested in what we're offering," she began, "but he seemed more enticed by free rent than redemption..."

"That's okay. Maybe if he spends a little time with us, the idea of redemption will start to grow on him!" Charlie sounded like she was also trying to convince herself.

GO TO HELL [Lucifer x Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now