something special

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"Nothing, you just have something on your face," Asher said, shaking his head. "Oh really? Because I could've sworn I just saw you checking out my abs." He leaned back in his chair, casually crossing one leg over the other while flexing slightly."But don't worry, Milo. You're not alone. A lot of people find me irresistible." His voice dripped with sarcasm, but there was a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Besides, it's not like anyone else here has anything worth looking at." He glanced around the room, taking in the other campers as they ate their breakfast.

Most were focused on their food or engaged in quiet conversation, oblivious to the exchange between Neo and Asher.Well, you seem very confident, " Asher remarks."Confidence is key, Milo. And besides, why wouldn't I be? Just look at me - I'm tall, dark, handsome... and incredibly skilled at surviving in the wild. What more could a guy ask for?" He flashed another cocky grin, clearly enjoying the teasing banter with Asher.

His confidence was infectious, making it hard for Asher to maintain his indifference. "And speaking of guys..." *Neo trailed off, leaving the sentence unfinished. Asher raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "There was this one guy back home who used to follow me everywhere. He even wrote me love letters every week! Of course, I never responded. Can you imagine? Me, falling in love with some random guy from school? No way."

He shook his head dismissively, but there was a hint of vulnerability beneath his bravado.Have you ever been in love?" Asher asked curiously. "Love? Pfft! Love is for losers, Milo. Besides, who needs love when you've got yourself?" He chuckled self-deprecatingly before sobering up again. "Okay, fine. Maybe I haven't experienced true love yet. But trust me, it's not something I plan on pursuing anytime soon." He crossed his arms defensively, his expression turning serious. "I've seen enough relationships go bad in my life already; I don't need anymore drama. Plus, having someone dependent on you? No thanks. Independence is key if you want to survive in this world." Despite his harsh words, there was a certain sadness lingering behind his eyes. It was clear that Neo had built walls around himself, shielding himself from potential hurt. Yet, somehow, Asher found himself drawn to those vulnerabilities - perhaps because they mirrored his own experiences.Asher reached over and placed a hand on top of Neo's shoulder, silently comforting him.Startled by Asher's sudden gesture of kindness, Neo stiffened momentarily before slowly melting into the touch. The weight of Asher's hand, however slight, felt oddly comforting on his shoulder. Their gazes locked for a brief moment before Neo broke eye contact, his cheeks flushing red. Swallowing heavily, before Neo could speak, the camp counselor blew the whistle, signaling the campers to come outside
Jumping up from his seat, Neo brushed past Asher without saying a word. He hurried outside, hoping to lose himself among the crowd of campers. Once outside, he took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing thoughts. Why did Asher's touch affect him so much? Was it because he hadn't received affection like that in such a long time? Or maybe it was something deeper than that? "Alright, everyone, today we'll be creating tents.

"The camp counselor said, With a groan, Neo followed the group of campers to the supply tent. He knew that setting up tents would be frustrating work, but he supposed it was better than sitting around doing nothing all day. As they gathered around the towering stack of poles and fabric, the camp counselor began distributing supplies and explaining how each piece fit together.

Neo listened intently, his mind elsewhere as he tried to understand what had just transpired between him and Asher earlier that morning.

Asher, meanwhile, struggled to keep pace with the others as they jostled for position around the tent frames. His mind was preoccupied with thoughts of Neo's vulnerability hidden beneath his arrogance. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Neo than met the eye—and he wanted desperately to discover whatever secrets lay buried within him.After several hours of sweat and curses, the campsites finally came alive with colorful tents dotting the landscape. Each structure is unique in its design and construction, reflecting the individuality of its occupants. As dusk settled upon the campgrounds, the air filled with the scent of sizzling hot dogs and marshmallows roasting over open fires. Laughter rang out across the grounds as campers gathered around their respective sites, sharing stories and traditions under starry skies. Amidst this festive atmosphere, Neo found himself gravitating towards Asher's tent, drawn by an invisible force he couldn't explain. His heart raced anxiously as he approached, wondering whether Asher would welcome his company or reject him outright. Neo hesitate before speaking softly  "Milo may I come in?".

"Sure neo," Asher replied. Taking a deep breath to steady his nerves, Neo stepped inside the small confines of Asher's tent. Despite the close quarters, there was an undeniable sense of calm that washed over him as he removed his shoes and sat cross-legged opposite Asher. They shared a glance, both unsure of what to say next. For a moment, silence hung heavy between them until Asher broke it with a gentle smile.

", how are you?" Returning Asher's smile, albeit somewhat shyly, Neo shrugged nonchalantly. "Eh, same old same old," he replied, attempting to lighten the mood. "Just trying not to get eaten by bears or anything." There was a faint trace of humor in his voice, but underlying it was a note of vulnerability that surprised even Neo. Slowly, he began to peel away layers of his guarded exterior, revealing glimpses of the lonely, hurting boy hiding beneath the tough facade. "To tell you the truth," he continued, lowering his voice conspiratorially, "it's nice to have someone to talk to. Even if it is just you" "Aww neo, that's sweet, " Asher said, punching neo shoulder lightly Feeling unexpected warmth spread through his chest at Asher's words, Neo smiled sheepishly and ducked his head in embarrassment.

"Yeah yeah...don't get sappy." As if sensing the shift in energy between them, a gentle breeze rustled through the trees outside the tent, carrying with it the sound of crickets and other nocturnal creatures. In response to this serene interruption, both boys fell into a comfortable silence, simply existing in each other's presence. After a few minutes passed in this peaceful reverie, Neo mustered up enough courage to break the silence once more. Clearing his throat awkwardly, he spoke quietly but firmly. " You know... if you need someone to talk to about stuff too, I guess you can always count on me. "

Asher smiled at Neo, feeling grateful. "You can count on me too neo," "Really?" his voice cracked slightly as he asked, utterly astonished by Asher's offer of friendship. "Wow. um, okay then." Relief flooded through him as Asher nodded earnestly, their faces suddenly illuminated by the dim glow of the lantern hanging nearby. Feeling brave, Neo ventured closer to where Asher sat against the canvas wall of the tent, settling down beside him. The heat emanating from Asher's body was strangely comforting amidst the cool night air

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