Royal struggles

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Asher never had a regular childhood he was the middle child . His parents were Queen Ivy and King Levi. They had high expectations for all of their children to follow and multiple classes they had to attend. Today was the Royal intermarriage,Asher was currently sitting on his throne while multiple princes from a lot of kingdoms came to persuade Asher to marry them.Asher forced a fake smile each time his parents looked at him,deep down Asher is grateful for the opportunities he got being royalty but he knew this isn't the life he wanted.Asher politely excused himself and exited the kingdom walking towards the marketplace to look at the citizens who instantly lowered their heads smiling at Asher,Asher smiled back at them before spotting his younger brother Damien trying to sell newspapers.Asher quickly rushed over towards him handing some money from his pocket

"One newspaper please" Asher said with a cheerful smile Damien smiled back taking the money "Here you go bro" Damien said giving Asher the newspaper,Asher ruffled Damien Hair before walking away reading the newspaper accidentally bumping into someone landing on top of them "Hey watch you're going!" the man said, shoving Asher, causing him to fall backward onto a puddle. Asher analyzed the man, seeing the man dark hazel eyes,his black hair, and the headphones he was wearing as the man rolled his eyes standing up, walking past Asher. "Maybe he had a bad day," Asher thought to himself, standing up. Asher walked to a nearby bench and resumed reading the newspapers.Asher face instantly lighted up seeing an article about a camp.

"Starlit Dreams summer camp,free of charge and has a lot of outdoor activities,and campfires! Feel free to join. we'll welcome you with open arms and free food,don't worry about purchasing a uniform we already got you covered" Asher read, looking down to see the location is in a different land called hollowpoint, but Asher wouldn't let that stop him he's sure his parents would accept with determination Asher walked back inside the kingdom telling his parents he would like to go to camp."No," King Levi said. Asher looked over at his mother, hoping she'll allow it, Queen ivy took a deep breath, holding Asher's hand. "Asher, I'm glad you found something that interests you,but unfortunately, I don't think you can join you're a prince you need to focus on your Royal duties" Queen ivy said Asher softly shook his head "Mom,dad I know I have responsibilities but please give me a chance to actually do what makes me happy,I spent all of my childhood doing Royal speeches,piano classes,horseback riding,ballroom dancing classes I just want to have fun" Asher said looking at both of his parents. "No, Asher, and that's final," King Levi said firmly. "That's not fair!" Asher shouted, storming out of the throne room calling his best friend Dove if he could come over. Dove happily accepted once Asher was at Dove house, he sat down on the beanbag chair sighing.

"You sound stressed ash," Dove said while drinking her tea. "I yelled at my parents today, I fell bad, of course, but it feels like I'm living in a prison." Asher said, closing his eyes. Dove grabbed the newspaper from Asher's hands, reading it carefully. "Ash,if you do go to hollowpoint, won't people instantly recognize you?" Dove said Asher knew Dove was right he opened his eyes to look at her."You right,but how can I hide my identity?" Asher said. Dove gestured to her makeup box. "Let me get the hair dye right quick," Dove said as she left the room and came back, holding various hair dye colors. And began changing Asher appearance once she was done. She reached into her drawer, placing two brown eye contact lenses onto Asher and handing a mirror smiling softly.

Asher was amazed by his transformation,knowing he could now attend the camp without someone recognizing his identity ivy called Asher phone. Asher looked down at his phone, sighing before turning his phone off. Dove gave Asher a comforting hug. The rest of the hours passed until Dove parents drove Asher to the train station. Asher looked up at the sky, knowing that once he entered the train, his life would change a few moments passed, and the train shortly arrived. Citizens started boarding it. Asher waved bye at Dove and her parents before entering the train and taking a seat as the train started to depart from the station. Asher looked out the window, smiling to himself before putting on some earbuds and listening to some music. Falling asleep when Asher regain consciousness, he was now at hollowpoint. Asher quickly exited the train, looking around, raising his hand for a taxi. The taxi driver stopped the car and lowered their window. "Where are you headed?" The taxi driver said, "Starlit Dreams summer camp, please, " Asher said. The taxi driver nodded, smiling, gesturing Asher to come inside once Asher entered the taxi. The taxi driver began the destination to Starlit Dreams summer camp. Asher was excited, finally not feeling the pressure of his royal duties."So, what's your name?" The taxi driver said "um" Asher paused, knowing the taxi driver could research him and tell his parents about his escape. "It's milo," Asher said, bitting his lip.

The taxi driver nodded, resuming the destination to Starlit Dreams summer camp. Asher knew he had to work really hard to hide his identity unless he wanted to be brought back to his kingdom. The rest of the ride, Asher, was coming up with new information for his new identity until they reached Starlit Dreams summer camp. Asher thanked the taxi driver and offered to pay for the ride. The taxi driver said there was no need. Asher smiled and exited the taxi, walking towards the camp entrance signing his new name. The camp scout led Asher to a room where he could change into his camp uniform. Once Asher was dressed, he exited the room, exploring the camp while Asher was running around he tripped over his shoelaces, landing on top of someone.

"I am so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going," Asher said his jaw dropped when he looked into the familiar hazel eyes. "What is with people falling onto me today?" The man said, pushing Asher off him standing up he glared at Asher before walking away. "I'm really sorry," Asher said. The rest of the campers looked at Asher, and the mysterious man Asher took a deep breath, standing up feeling ready for a new adventure.Asher then started exploring feeling the wind blow through his hair, but his mind still wonders how long will it be until his family realized he's missing? Or have they already discovered and are searching for him right now? Asher sighs, shaking his head.Asher is determined to make new memories here and not having people now before him, just because he's royalty. It's refreshing to actually just be treated as a regular citizen with no high expectations or duties. Asher could hardly contain his excitement as he suddenly let's out a maniacal laugh. Asher quickly coughed, walking away humming

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