Still not friends

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With a deep sigh, Neo closed his eyes and took a step back, letting himself fall into Asher's arms. He felt the warmth of Asher's body against his as they collapsed to the ground in a heap. For a moment, everything went silent. Neo could feel his heart pounding in his chest, his breath coming in short, sharp gasps. Then, he heard the sound of laughter. It was soft at first, but it quickly grew louder, echoing through the campgrounds. Neo opened his eyes to see everyone staring at him, their faces split with laughter and grins. He felt a blush creeping up his cheeks as he realized what he must have looked like. But he didn't care. He had shown Asher that he wasn't afraid, and that was all that mattered."Alright, everyone, now it's time to switch," the camp counselor said. "You're ready to catch me neo?" Asher said, chuckling, Neo rolled his eyes."What's your name anyway?" Neo said,"Milo, you can call me milo, " Asher replied. Neo glared at Asher, his eyes narrowing in suspicion. He couldn't believe that Asher was actually going to let him catch him. But before he could say anything, Asher took a step back and closed his eyes, preparing to fall. Neo watched him warily, his heart racing. As Asher fell, Neo braced himself, ready to catch him. He felt the impact as Asher landed in his arms, but to his surprise, Asher didn't weigh as much as he thought he would. In fact, he felt surprisingly light. Neo looked down at Asher, who was smiling up at him, his eyes twinkling with mischief. Neo couldn't help but feel a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. Despite everything that had happened, Asher was still able to catch him off guard. He quickly pushed the thought away, reminding himself that he was still angry with Asher. But for now, he would play along. "Milo, huh? That's a pretty lame name," Neo said, trying to sound tough. But inside, he was still reeling from the unexpected thrill of catching Asher.Asher laughed under his breath* "uh huh and I'm sure neo is a pretty lame name too" Asher said with a wink. Neo scoffed, rolling his eyes but couldn't hide his smile. "Yeah, well, at least my name doesn't sound like some kind of laundry detergent," he retorted. He couldn't believe he was actually engaging in this banter with Asher. But Neo knew better than to let his guard down. This was just a temporary truce, "Alright everyone the next activity is rope climbing!" The camp counselor said

As the campers gathered around for the rope climbing activity, Neo couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. He had always been good at climbing, and he was determined to show Asher that he wasn't just a sneaky little camper. He watched as Asher confidently took his place at the front of the line, his eyes fixed on the rope. Neo smirked to himself, ready to show him up. But as he approached the rope, he felt a twinge of nervousness. He had never been great at showing off his skills, and he didn't want to embarrass himself in front of everyone. He took a deep breath and began to climb, his muscles burning with the effort. He could feel Asher's eyes on him, and he could almost hear the taunts in his head. But Neo ignored them, focusing solely on the rope. He reached the top in record time, his heart pounding with triumph. He turned to look down at Asher, who was still struggling to make it halfway up. Neo couldn't help but feel a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. Revenge might be sweet, but it felt even better when you could rub it in someone's face.

"Okay, the last activity for today is canoeing!" The camp counselor said. As the campers gathered around for the canoeing activity, Asher couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. He had always loved being on the water, and he was excited to see how well he could handle a canoe. He watched as Neo confidently took his place at the front of the line, his eyes fixed on the canoe. Asher smirked to himself, ready to show him up. But as he approached the canoe, he felt a twinge of nervousness. He had never been great at showing off his skills, and he didn't want to embarrass himself in front of everyone. He took a couple of steps back before looking back at the canoe, taking a deep breath and climbing into the canoe, his heart pounding with excitement. He paddled confidently, feeling the rhythm of the water against the canoe. He could hear the sound of laughter and cheering from the other camper as he quickly paddled, passing neo grinning proudly at him, but Neo just scoffed, mumbling under his breath As the campers returned to their cabins after the canoeing activity, Neo couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. He was exhausted from the day's events but also felt a sense of accomplishment. He had shown Asher that he wasn't just a sneaky little camper, and he had enjoyed the thrill of the competition. As he changed into his pajamas, he couldn't help but think about the day's events. Despite everything that had happened, he had to admit that he had enjoyed spending time with Asher. There was something about him that made Neo's heart race, and he couldn't quite put his finger on it. But for now, he would just focus on getting some rest. Tomorrow was sure to bring new challenges, and he needed to be ready for them.

Once the next day arrived, Asher slowly woke up. The rest of his friends were still asleep. Asher ran a finger through his hair before slowly climbing down the bunkbed ladder. Asher slowly exited the cabin and walked towards the cafeteria to get breakfast he saw neo sitting by himself once again but he didn't try to pay too much attention once Asher gotten his breakfast he was about to sit down on a different table, suddenly neo called his name "Milo, you can sit here with me" Neo said. "Are you sure?" Asher said "yes" Neo said, not making eye contact with Asher."Are you really sure?" Asher asked."Milo, shut up and sit. " neo gestured to the seat in front of him.

As Asher slowly approached the table where Neo was sitting, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of nervousness. He had never been great at initiating conversations without quickly running away or hiding behind his guards, especially with someone unique like Neo. But he decided to take a deep breath and sit down anyway. As he took a bite of his breakfast, he glanced over at Neo, who was busily flipping through a magazine frowning slightly.

Asher couldn't deny that he finds Neo adorable in his own way. Despite their rocky start. Suddenly, Neo looked up from his magazine and caught Asher staring. He smirked, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "What's up, milo?" he said, raising an eyebrow.Asher couldn't help but feel a blush creeping up his cheeks again

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