Her lady

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Fantasy and modern 

A descent of kitsune royalty, a well sought after woman, Yae Miko looked at the woman before her, a tall woman, a strict demeanor with a long purple braid that went past her calves. Yae was definitely taking in all the feature of the woman before her.

'And you are?'  She asked, she somewhat already knew, Raiden Ei was sent to be the bodyguard to the illustrious Yae Miko, and she planning on doing her job to the best of her ability. But she still wanted to hear the words from Ei. 

'I was hired by your parents to look after you.' Ei replied. Miko nodded, looking Ei up and down one more time as she thought of what to say.

'Have you been shown around?' She innocently asked, to which Ei shook her head no. 'Let me give you a tour.' Miko offered, holding her hand out to Ei, hesitantly she laid her hand in Miko's.

Miko started off with the basics, throne room, garden, dining hall, worker's quarters, etc. Until she had walked Ei through the entirety of the premises, getting her accustomed to the layout.

A few weeks in and the two had gotten close, which was expected of course, Miko felt like she had known Ei her entire life, which felt crazy to say. She had never been this close to anyone before.

One day, she was ranting to Ei about how her parents were trying to set her up with snobby rich men, but she rejected all of them. So now, in hopes of finding her an acceptable man, they had set up a formal ball and invited any man they could.

'I can't believed this!' She sighed, slopping onto her cozy bed as Ei watched, 'You're royal, it's expected, nothing can be done about it.' Miko hated that she was right. 'I wish I had a choice though, I feel a connection with you more then I do with any of my male suitors.' She complained. 

Ei went red at this, but continued to listening to Miko's ranting, but was caught off guard but a comment from Miko. ' I wish I could take you to the event.' Before Ei could correct her, an idea popped up in the Kitsune's mind, and she looked over at Ei with a smirk, an excellent idea now brewing.

'I mean, there's no rules against bringing a friend.' Miko began, ' It's normal for people to bring a guard with them to occasions like this.'  Ei didn't completely hate the idea per say.

'So Ei,' Miko began again, 'could I take you with me?' 

When Ei first accepted her job as a guard for a royal family, she didn't think she would find herself arm in arm with the woman she worked under. She was wearing a simple purple dress, where the sleeves fell off the shoulder and a slit in the dress, this was the most she had ever dressed up.

Miko was loving the sight, she  was wearing a formal suit, despite the looks she knew she would get. 'Princess this isn't the best ide-' Miko shushed Ei, a reassuring smile on her face. She gently took Ei's hand and led her into the ballroom, a stunning room, it took Ei a solid minute to process the room.

It was gorgeous, the glass decorations spewed across the room were painted a light pink, everything looked so fragile it slightly worried Ei as she was prone to breaking things. She didn't want to accidentally break a glass vase or anything of value, oh the massive debt that would put her in. ( Please tell me someone gets the reference.)

Miko took Ei by the hand, leading her away from the massive crowd. 'What do you think?' Miko whispered, the two were standing out on the balcony, looking down at the well kept garden. 'It's beautiful.' She replied, starting to get a bit too comfortable she laid her head on Miko's shoulder.

Miko lowly giggled, but said nothing, they continued to look on, before Miko broke the silence. 'The view may be gorgeous Ei, but it's nothing compared to you.' She whispered into her ear, Ei perked up. 'Miko we can't be togeth-' Miko stopped her, yet again. 'We could run away.' She was speaking lowly so only Ei could hear her.

'No we could never!' Ei protested, Miko sighed in response and looked at Ei. 'I have a plan.' Before Miko could explain, the two were interrupted by the sound of people talking got closer, and Miko groaned in annoyance. 'I'll explain later.' 

Miko led Ei back to the dance room, and for the rest of the night there was no more speak of running away, but the thought of it was stuck in Ei's mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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