7. Meeting the boys

Start from the beginning

"Oh wait I know this place!"  he said looking at the logo on the bag. "It's right beneath my apartment!"

"Really? You live there?" said Liv curiously.

"Yes yes! If I had known you liked these I would have brought them myself so you didn't have to go. I never actually go in there because I have to eat really healthy all the time you know" he explained as he rummaged inside the bag looking for a second piece of bread. 

This made her laugh again. She really liked Charles, they could easily become great friends and it was good to know she would arrive to Bahrain with at least one friend who she wasn't related to. 

Once they got to the airfield where the private plane stood she realized there were 3 people waiting for them already.  Once they got off the van and Andrew was carrying their bags, Charles introduced her to everyone else. 

"Everyone, this is Liv, Checo's sister. She's gonna be joining us this season as a photographer. Liv these are Carlos, Lando, and Danny" he said pointing out one by one. 

"Finally somebody else who speaks Spanish" said Carlos as he said hello to Liv with a kiss in the cheek "pleasure to meet you Liv".

"What are you talking about? My Spanish is muy bueno" said Charles indignantly "tell him Liv, we just spent the whole ride over talking in Spanish".

"And how much of it were you able to understand Liv?" said Lando with a smirk.

"I am so sorry Charles but your Spanish needs a lot of work" she said while giggling. 

"Hah! I knew it!" said Lando

"So, what does someone have to do to get a ride to the airport then?" said Daniel to Charles with a huge smile "We could all use a ride mate".

"When you turn into a beautiful latina you let me know Daniel, that's when I'll pick you up. For now, just be happy with the plane ride" said Charles laughing a little bit. Liv blushed and tried to hide it. They all got in the plane and after about 20 minutes the plane took off. 

During the plane ride they all ate the croissants and juices Olivia had brought. 

"This is so good, where did you get it?" said Carlos "No, wait, don't tell me. I will not be able to handle the temptation every day". 

They were all asking Liv questions about what she was going to do in F1 and asking why they had never seen her before.

"Well you know, I am way younger than Checo so while he was already in Formula1 I was just in high school and then college. There really was no time to follow my brother around the world" she said, shrugging her shoulders.

"And what changed now?" asked Lando.

"Uhm, let's just say my family wants to keep a closer eye on me. And I just graduated from college so I was totally free" answered Liv.

"Oh wait I heard about this" said Danny Ric "you were in an accident, weren't you? A DUI..." he said in sudden realization. "Oh shit I'm sorry, I don't know if that was private, Checo told me about it". 

Liv made a face, she was suddenly  a little uncomfortable "yeah something like that... it was nothing serious, thankfully. But I'm pretty sure Checo got my parents to back off and offered to bring me with him all year long as a teaching experience. " she added. 

"Oh wow, I wish my mother was like that. Mess up and then get to travel the world in private jets and drinking champagne" said Charles breaking the tension with a joke. 

"But we are not drinking champagne" said Carlos. 

"Yet Carlos, we are not drinking champagne yet" added Lando.

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