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She stormed down the corridors, her curls frizzing as her anger began to build. She walked blindly to the dungeons and by the time she reached her potions classroom, she halted to a stop, realising she didn't know the way to the Slytherin common room.

She clenched her hands into fists and gritted her teeth in frustration. She'd never felt so angry, she'd never felt her magic so alive, so potent. It seemed she harboured a lot of unfriendly feelings towards her once best friends, feelings that she hadn't even been aware of having. She kept it bottled up, until it continued to grow and grow and grow, until it just snapped and every negative feeling she had came rushing to the surface and she was forced to contain it lest she did something she'd regret.

A hand touched her shoulder and Hermione jumped in surprise, the magic that she had been trying to reign in was freed and she heard a grunt of pain and a loud 'thud.'

Hermione turned and gasped as she saw Malfoy sprawled out on the ground.

"Oh Merlin, I'm so sorry," she rushed over to him and dropped to her knees. "I didn't mean to."

"Not your fault, Granger," he grunted in pain and he pushed himself up so that he leaned up against the wall for support.

"I'm so sorry, Malfoy, I swear I..."

"Granger, calm down, I'm fine," he sighed as she fussed over him. "Granger!" he barked, she stopped her mumbled apologies and looked up into his grey-blue eyes. "I'm fine, calm the fuck down," he repeated.

She took a deep breath and then exhaled.

"Right, I'm calm," she said to herself. "I mean it, Malfoy, I didn't mean to hurt you; it was an accident."

"Shut up, it was my fault," he admitted, surprising her. In all the years she'd been forced to share a school with him, she'd never once heard of him apologising or admitting that he was in the wrong.

"I saw something surrounding you, an almost glow of silver and green and my curiosity got the best of me. I should've known not to touch you, I've seen something similar before and the consequences were a lot worse than my getting thrown into a wall. " He ran his hand through his hair, pushing the fallen pieces back into place. He rolled his shoulders and then winced in pain.

"Let's get you up before someone sees us, I wouldn't want to get mauled on my first day back," she spoke.

She helped him to stand up and he winced once more, causing her to frown.

"I really hurt you," she said apologetically. "We'll get you back to the common room and I'll see if there's anything I can do to help, otherwise you may have to go to the hospital wing. You'll have to lead the way since I don't know where my new house is."

He nodded before slowly walking down the corridors, leading Hermione through the maze of the dungeons.

"Why are you wearing Slytherin robes?" he asked her, after five minutes of walking in comfortable silence.

"I was wondering how long it would take you to ask," she mused, "but it seems that Dumbledore has kicked me out of his house of heroes and placed me in the snake pit." He smirked at her answer. "He obviously doesn't want me corrupting the minds of his precious Potter, and deemed it necessary to place me in the house to which I truly belong, even if it means putting a noose around my neck and leaving the Slytherins to push me off my stool."

He frowned in confusion. "I understand why he doesn't like you." And he did, they'd spoken in great lengths regarding their now mutual dislike for the headmaster. "But why would he think you belong to Slytherin house?"

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