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12 Grimmauld Place

Hermione was sat in her room, she had previously been sharing with Ginny but after she snapped at her, things between them had been tense. So as a result, Hermione packed up her things and moved into another room. She preferred it anyway, being an only child, she didn't particularly like having her belongings out for others to look through.

Everyone was downstairs eating breakfast, but Hermione wasn't hungry and she had been excluded anyway. It had been nearly two weeks since she had visited Malfoy Manor and she had tried to sneak out of the house, but Ginny wouldn't give her any time alone.

So, it was to her surprise when a large eagle flew into her room through the open window, dropped a letter in her lap and then flew out without so much as a second look.

She sat up and opened the letter cautiously.

A single earring fell out and she held it in her palm confused. She looked to her bedroom door and then the letter in her hand and she made her decision.

Miss. Granger,

I believe it is time we had that discussion.

It wasn't signed, but it didn't need to be. She knew exactly who the sender was.

Before she could blink, she felt the familiar tug in her stomach and her world was spinning before it came crashing down and she landed with an ungraceful 'oomph' sprawled on the floor.


Malfoy Manor

"Very graceful," she heard someone drawl. She sat up and scowled at The Dark Lord and he smirked at her, it was terrifying on his inhuman face.

"A little warning would've been nice, I hadn't even put the letter down," she grumbled as she stood up and brushed herself down, wincing.

"Did you hurt yourself?"

"No, not really, I just knocked my leg, the bone was actually shattered and not broken, even with magic it's still painful and will be for a little while," she sighed and then stuffed the letter in her jean pocket. "So, you wanted to talk?"

He turned around and swept down a long corridor, she almost rolled her eyes at him but followed. The portraits on the walls whispered as she walked past and they watched her curiously.

He led her into a study, with large ostentatious couches, a solid oak dark red desk and a dark wing back chair, with a smaller one in front of the desk. There was a large chandelier above and a huge fireplace against a wall. When her father walked past it, it lit with dancing flames.

He took the seat behind the desk and motioned for her to sit in the smaller chair opposite him. She did and she looked down and shifted nervously in her seat, knowing he was giving her the once over.

"It's time to discuss your involvement, I've waited long enough."

"I did try to get here sooner, but everyone's been watching me, particularly Ginny Weasley. I didn't take kindly to her ordering me about and I fought back and now she follows me everywhere I go. Dumbledore must've said something to the others, Mrs. Weasley makes sure I'm never alone and she seems colder towards me. I don't think he told them my identity, just that I couldn't be trusted. You know the irony in this is if he had told me, I might not have come to you, he pushed me into choosing you," she whispered.

"You would've turned your back on your heritage?" she looked up and she couldn't read his expression.

"I can't answer that for certain. Your cause goes against everything I was raised to believe, and you have tried to kill me for the last five years, can you blame me?"

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