Chapter 15

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It took several days before the Professors deemed the hat clean enough to sort students again. They gathered the unsorted students and had them stand to the side of the hall before dinner, just like the first years had the first night.

Crystal eyed the hat, while it was still a bit dirty here and there it was pleasantly clean, it was no longer covered in layers and layers of dirt and grime. She had no objections to putting the sorting hat on this time.

Since she had been the one who caused the sorting to be interrupted last time and was the last name that had been called, she was going to be the first one sorted.

She willingly sat down on the uncomfortable wooden stool, wincing when she felt a splinter poke her through her skirt, she would have to get that out soon. Professor McGonagall put the hat on her head, it covered her eyes, preventing her from seeing out at the sea of students watching her anticipating which house she would be sorted into.

Crystal had learned that people expected her to be sorted into Gryffindor like her parents, they thought that the Girl-Who-Lived couldn't be anything but a noble Gryffindor.

She wouldn't deny that she was brave and sometimes jumped into things without thinking but there was more to her than that. She loved to learn but she didn't make learning her entire reason to live, she had ambitions for her future but they were just simple.

She was loyal to a fault but only to those who showed the same loyalty back to her. Crystal knew that she could go into any house, she thought the house system was stupid, it was just breading more discord within the students.

Gryffindors were supposedly the perfect heroes, always defending others and bringing honor to their families. The headmaster and deputy headmistress clearly favored this house over any of the others, All Crystal has seen so far were the Gryffindors bullying kids from other houses, mostly Slytherin.

Sure not all were bullies, but a decent bit were.

Ravenclaws were seen as know-it-alls who spent their entire lives with their noses buried in a book, Crystal also heard rumors that the Ravenclaws would pick one student each year and bully them so badly that a few have transferred to different schools.

Slytherins were supposed to be cunning and ambitious but from what she's seen they were lazy entitled pricks. Most of them were costing along on their parent's achievements instead, hell she's heard Malfoy threaten people with his father to make them fall in line.

What was he going to do when he was an adult and things didn't go his way?

Hufflepuffs were seen as lazy duffers or the spare house, Crystal knew that this house was loyal to their friends and hardworking. Sure, there were a few bad students here and there but she was expecting that, out of all four houses, she liked Hufflepuff the best.

Crystal jumped when a voice spoke in her mind.

"The Headmaster might have asked me to place you in Gryffindor, even going as far as trying to spell me to do so but you wouldn't do well there, yes you are very brave but the other Gryffindors would never accept you defending people from them."

"You would do well in Ravenclaw, you have a wealth of knowledge that would make them green with envy but I do not believe we need someone sent to the hospital wing so early in the year."

"Slytherin would help you on your way to greatness but once again we do not need someone sent to the hospital wing so soon, this leaves-"

"HUFFLEPUFF" The hat screamed to the hall, causing the black and yellow house to break out into applause while the other three houses and the staff were in shock.

Crystal took the hat off and handed it to Professor McGonagall who was frozen before she made her way to the Hufflepuff table, she took her seat next to Cedric who clapped her on her back.

It took a few minutes but soon enough Crystal watched the rest of the students get sorted, after everyone was sorted Crystal and the other new first years were introduced to the upper years. 


Feel free to check out my other stories if you haven't already.
Here's a list of them
Harry Potter and the Secret Inheritance (Ongoing)
Crystal Potter and the Half-Ghost Witch (Ongoing)
Ember Potter and the secret of the Gems (Ongoing)
Skull's Many Lives (Oneshot for now)
Izumi Midoriya: the Gaming Villain (Two shot for now)
Usagi's forgotten Birthday (Onshot for now)

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