9: Hallowe'en

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Flying class after flying class, each Thursday I got the same words. "Be more confident, (l/n)!"
"You'll fail class if you keep your feet on the ground!"
I considered to stop coming to the class, but James assured me I was going to make it just fine, even if it was with just an E.
Fortunately I got to spend my time in the library, trying to calm down each Thursday. Sirius always accompanied me, and Remus often as well went to make Homework.

The rain carried us through the month leading up to... Halloween!!

Halloween started out alright. I felt tired from staying up, and Remus definitely noticed, but he himself looked a bit ill as well so it was clear he didn't want to mention it in fear I'd mention his own fatigue.
All throughout the day we snacked on candies. Remus, Peter and James got some candy from their parents while me and Sirius made it a game to sneak as much candy into class from the great hall. If our parents didn't give us shit, we had to take care of it ourselves.

Once in class, Sirius and me counted the candy.

"Does this count as one, or two?" I asked as I showed Sirius a packed lickrice wand, but it was packed in two.

Sirius grabbed it. "Two, and now it's mine."

I stuck out my tongue to him, but then Professor Mendrago snatched it from Sirius' hand. "No food in class," she scolded before starting her DADA lesson.

Now me and Sirius had made it a game to eat as much candy from behind the professor's back, the question of who had one the last game long forgotten.

Class ended and James hurried up to us to try and score some candy.

"Sorry mate," I said with a smug smile, "It's all mine."

"Can I have a chocolate frog?" Remus asked carefully, "Mum only got me muggle candy."

I gave him a look. "Muggle candy is good though, I'll trade you for it." I managed to get a snickers bar, I tasted like home in an odd way. I didn't think I missed home as much as I loved Hogwarts.

That evening me and Sirius looked at dinner and decided we had rather enough candy.
"I forgot dinner would be candy as well," Sirius said tiredly.

I nodded and leaned my head on my hand. I had had enough candy for a while.
"Next year we'll get a better tactic, mate, I'm sure of it."

That night we stayed up, eating sweets and having some fun. We sat in the marauders dormitory, the sound of the Halloween party in the common room outside. Because people got drunk, we thought it better to stay up and plan something fun to do. Something looking a lot like a prank, much to Remus' dislike.

And the next day, Remus was ill.

Nobody seemed to pay it any mind when Professor McGonagall said that Remus was feeling ill and would be in the hospital ward. All throughout the day I felt anxious to visit him, and James and Sirius felt the same. Yet, nobody knew.
And I felt bad that I knew but didn't say anything. Remus was probably in pain. Last night must have been a full moon! That means Remus had to break his every bone while transforming into a werewolf!!

I hated that I had been so comfortable in my own bed while Remus was probably in the shrieking shack at that time.
I sighed at it.

When class ended, I quickly packed my bag. I wasn't the only one; Sirius, James and Peter followed my actions and with the four of us we practically ran out, Professor Slughorn's voice telling us to remember our essays due three days.

We ran up some stairs, through a corridor, another stairway, and this continued until we found the hospital wing. We panted from the effort, non of us used yet to the amount of stairs Hogwarts had. It reminded me of stairs while in quarantine, back in Covid—

"Let's go in," I said, but Sirius stopped me.

"How do you know we even can?"

I frowned. "I don't, but what else are we going to do, just stand around?"

James nodded. "What she said, let's go!"

We walked into the hospital wing. There were beds lined up on either side. On one side there were windows, reaching up to the curved ceiling. There were details in that ceiling and I almost stopped to admire it. Maybe they had thought about it, to have to lie in boredom on such a bed.

"There's Remus," Peter pointed and we hurried over.

"Remus!" I said, my voice a bit hushed so I wouldn't disturb anyone else, "We came to visit!"

Remus looked sick. He was pale, dark bags had placed themselves under his eyes and he looked grumpy. He managed a tired smile though, when he saw us.
"Thanks," he said, "I'm afraid I'm not in the mood for much though."

James and Siris took seats on the chairs, immediately talking about the new spell they had learned, Peter taking the last chair and leaving me standing.

"I made a copy of my notes," I said and searched through my bag. When I handed them to Remus his worried look made me explain, "I found a spell to do that for me, otherwise my hand would be cramping by now."

A grateful smile covered Remus' face as he looked through the notes.

"You know," Sirius said, "Maybe we could practice the new spell sometime."

"But Sirius," Peter said, "We can't do magic in the corridors!"

I thought of book four, "Maybe we could ask a professor to lend us a classroom. That way we would be allowed to do spells."

"That might work!" James said excitedly.

We talked a bit as we sat around Remus, until someone walked up to us.

"What are you doing here?" She asked us with a sharp look, "Remus needs rest!"

James kept in his laugh, Sirius looked caught, and Peter was eyeing the exit. Since nobody answered (Remus looking uncomfortable) I thought I should speak up.
"We only wanted to see our friend," I said, "To hand him the notes from class."

Madam Pomfrey's eyes softened a bit. "Fine, but he still needs rest. Now hurry off."

As we got up, Remus waved at us. Quickly though, he apologised to Madam Pomfrey.

As we left the four of us had a plan, er, three of us, Peter had some questions.

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