3: The Start of The Year Feast

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Professor Dumbledore only had to wait shortly for a silence as he smiled at all the students in front of him. His long grey hair and beard were exactly how I imagined it, though his robes had more class than in the movies. Really in fantastic beasts I have to keep on mentioning, he looked way better—

"To those who are new, Welcome! And to those who aren't, Welcome back!
"A quick note from our bestest Filch not to throw firecrackers around the hallway, and for more rules and announcements, see the list on his office door. Entering the forbidden forest, as is necessary to mention every single year, is indeed forbidden.
"Quidditch tryouts will be at the respectful date of each house, on the notice board in each common room.
"Furthermore," Dumbledore's eyes sparkled behind his half moon spectacles, "Dig in!"

Food appeared on the many golden platters. My eyes were curious with the dishes, mashed potatoes, more potatoes, sausages, some vegetables... my eyes feasted on the food while people started grabbing it and I followed.

"I'm so hungry," Peter said as he grabbed a plate full of food.

"Same," I admitted as I grabbed food for myself, "I can't believe how much stairs I already walked."

"Well as a fact," Remus said excitedly, "Hogwarts has almost 250 stairs."

James looked at Remus with wide eyes, "You said how much?"

"Hogwarts a history?" I asked knowingly.

"Yeah," Remus chuckled.

"It makes sense though," Sirius said as he looked up from his plate, "How else should we reach all the way to the top of those towers?"

I sipped some pumpkin juice, surprised by the spicy yet sweet taste of it. I would have imagined it to taste like raw pumpkin, or worse, to be thick and like soup, but it was actually quite nice.

"Why, you could float of course," a ghost popped up on the empty spot next to Peter. The latter let out a small squeak.
The ghost didn't give a reaction and said, "I assure you, for the many years I've been here, floating down the corridors of the castle, I've never seen people have any issues with the stairs."

I raised my eyebrows. "Are you sure?"

The ghost looked at me, then he shrugged. "No."

Sirius looked around nervously. "Did he just say no?"

"He did," Lily said bossily, suddenly speaking up, "But you haven't even asked for his name yet."

Marlene who had been talking to Lily and Alice before, nearly jumped up her seat as she jokingly asked. "Sir ghost, what is your name?"

"Sir Nicholas de mimsy-porpington, at your service."

"Sir Nicholas the what?" James frowned, "Thats way of a long name!"

"Ah," Sir Nicholas said annoyed, "Maybe that is why people call me Nearly Headless Nick."

"Nearly headless?" Alice wondered, "But, how can you be nearly headless?" Wasn't me who asked, you can't blame me.

This time it was me who was almost jumping in their seat.
Yes, I was exited to see Sir Nicholas pull his head halfway off his head, as he did with a small sound which reminded me off trying to pry two glued papers apart without tearing them.

"Whoa," Marlene said mildly amazed, but everyone was slightly disgusted as they stared, even Marlene herself.

"It's quite rude to stare," I mumbled before I looked away, "But I've got to admit that's pretty cool."

"Forty five," Remus said as he looked away as well, "The axe was dull, I've read."

"Well informed this year, I see," Sir Nicholas said impressed before he floated away again.

Peter finally made another noise.
"Was that an actual ghost??"

Sirius, who hadn't been that amazed by seeing a ghost, shrugged at him. "You haven't seen one before?"

"Of course not!" Lily said with wide eyes, "You're saying that there are ghosts everywhere!?"

Peter shivered at the thought and I smiled in amazement.
With a slight smile Sirius told them about a poltergeist once being in their house. "It was fun, I actually don't know why mother and father had it gone."

"What was their name?" James asked curiously.

"He told me to call him Donkey," Sirius seemed to recall, "But he told my brother to call him Orchestra."

"Orchestra?" Alice spoke up, "Like music?"

"No," Sirius shook his head, "Like the noise he made all night."

"I wish I could meet a poltergeist," I said randomly, "If it's fun, I mean." I knew about Peeves, he was a legend. Especially in part five.

Peter shuddered only more. "I don't think I like ghosts."

I saw Remus tensing up the slightest. I remembered his 'condition', of course he'd be insecure about that.

Suddenly dessert appeared and I looked in amazement, though my eyes protested tiredly. Was I tired? Figures, hours have gone by so quickly, I wondered what time it even was.

As James told us all about quidditch, Lily and Alice started their own conversation. Marlene was curious about Quidditch at Hogwarts, and so the two agreed to join the quidditch team.

"How about you?" James asked Sirius who shrugged.

"I'll have to see, first I need to survive my moms howler, and we're just in first year."

"How do you mean?" Peter asked.

"Oh," Sirius shrugged once more, "You can only join a quidditch team in your second year. First there's flying lessons."

"I think he meant to ask about the howler," I clarified as Peter seemed to stop himself from asking. He nodded.

Sirius shrugged. He didn't answer and I wondered... heck I didn't even have to wonder, I knew exactly how bad it was.

"Anyway," James said forcefully cheerful, "Do you reckon the dormitory rooms will be big?"

Just then the food disappeared as Dumbledore got up.

"Now that we've all been fed, I'd like to address..."
I leaned my head on my hand, feeling sleepy and very uninterested. It's not Dumbledore's speech, I'd listen to it any time of day, except now. Now I was tired and just wanted sleep.

The prefects led us up to the gryffindor common room. I was surprised to find the portrait in a hallway. I had always imagined her different. Really she was... breathtaking. She looked disinterested as she gave us a side eye, her form only adding to her beauty.

The prefect told us the password, and to not write it down. I glanced at Sirius, my thoughts going to book three, Hallowe'en.
It amused me to know something nobody else knew, yet, and I realised just how much I knew.

The common room was nice, my eyes fell closed a bit, but the same could be said off most first years. It was late.
While the prefect explained basic things, I almost fell asleep standing, but finally I found the girls dormitory and fell on the nearest bed I saw. "I claim this one," I said, my voice muffled by the bed.

Marlene snorted and took the bed next to mine. "This one's beter you know, that's why I chose it."

"No," I disagreed, "Yours is too close to the door, you're going to wake up because of us walking out."

Marlene's face dropped a bit before she shrugged. "Good thing I'm a heavy sleeper."

"Enough talking," Lily jawned mid sentence, "I'm tired, I want to go to bed."

Alice nodded in agreement and went to look for something in her trunk. I remembered how I got here and slowly looked up at my trunk. It had my name on it, literally. Did I even have stuff like clothes?
The trunk was decent sized, it was heavy with stuff, and the blue bag lay next to it.
I opened the trunk to find some clothes and a ton of books. I smiled, feeling prepared at last.

The lights turned off in the dormitory and as the warm covers welcomed me with open arms I fell into the most peaceful sleep I had had in years.

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