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Things went exactly to plan. Stefan and Damon waited near the Wickery bridge and quickly dove into the water moments after the Gilbert car began sinking. Damon quickly tore the buckle from Miranda's unconscious body and swam her to safety. Stefan reached Elena just as her eyes were closing, with a sorrowful look towards her father, he pulled Elena out of the car and up to the shore.

As Stefan placed her gently on the bank, she began coughing up water and looking around in an attempt to regain her bearings. Knowing she would survive, he turned to her motionless mother and began a round of CPR. It didn't take much for her to respond and she suddenly sprung up as she choked the water out of her lungs. The mother and daughter looked at their saviors before meeting each other's eyes and finding joy. But quickly their faces turned to worry as they looked back out to the water in search of their husband and father.

"Dad?" Elena cried in horror.

"I'm sorry. We could only save you. There wasn't time." Stefan solomly spoke.

A hard sob broke through Elena's chest while her mother continued staring at the water in shock.

"Damon, go call an ambulance." Stefan ordered his brother who proceeded to feign exhausted movement as he climbed the bank up to the bridge where his car and cellphone waited.

"Who-who are you?" Miranda asked in a daze.

"I'm Stefan Salvatore, Zach Salvatore's nephew. Gia and Sean's cousin." Miranda nodded in acknowledgement of his words. She turned to her daughter as Elena's breath audibly caught in her throat. Seeing her daughter in a state of hyperventilation snapped her out of her fugue state and she slowly inched toward the mourning girl and wrapped her arms around her body.

A few minutes later Damon returned, "They're on their way."

It wasn't long before the ambulances and sheriff arrived at the scene. Elizabeth was heartbroken to see people she cared about in such a state. She pushed past her sorrow to take the reports of the accident, formerly meeting the Salvatores for the first time. She thanked them for being heroes and had a deputy follow them home in escort.

The following day, a picture of the Gilbert family appeared in the newspaper with an article caption reading, "Newcomers Save Mother and Daughter, Dr. Gilbert Dies in Family Car Accident". The Salvatore's were officially hometown heroes. Later that afternoon, the local news arrived at the Salvatore Boarding House seeking an interview with the saviors.

"Well we are just glad we were there to help. The Gilbert family has been friends with our uncle and his family for a long time. It's a great sadness to this community that such an astounding doctor and fellow member of the founding families has been lost. Our hearts go out to the Gilbert family in their time of need." Damon manipulatively described his supposed stance on the event.

"And do you and your brother plan on staying in town, or are just visiting for the summer?" The attractive reporter inquired.

"Well, we sure love spending time with the family. I think we'll see how the summer goes then decide whether to return to our family's hometown on a permanent basis."

"Well our town would certainly welcome home such an heroic pair of brothers." She replied with a flirty tone.

Alice rolled her eyes at the towardness of the reporter as she watched the news in her living room. Summer break had started, and she wasn't part of Summer School program for that year. So she had the next three months to freely plot and manipulate the future with her sisters. Tori wouldn't begin her Master's program until the fall and Gia had no intentions of taking summer courses.

In between strategy meetings, they were able to enjoy themselves as well. For the fourth of July they and their families drove to Virginia Beach. Stuffed into the first car was Alice, Hayley, Tyler, Tori, and Matt. Luckily, the beach supplies fit into the SUV driven with Zach, Gail, Gia, Sean, Stefan, and Damon. Matt was pulled into the trip to get his mind off of his breakup with Elena. He easily bonded with Salvatore's knowing they saved his ex-girlfriend's and her mother's lives. As Damon helped apply sunscreen to Alice's mocha skin, it became clear to everyone but Sean that something intimate had started between the pair.

"Ooh. You have a boyfriend. Dang, sis, you snatch 'em rich like my mom?" Tyler joked as she joined the teenagers in the water.

An uncomfortable look crossed Stefan's face at the mention of his brother's attraction to the girl he first met as a pre-pubescent. Tori and Gia smiled at their sister while Matt seemed uninterested in the subject and Hayley appeared inquisitive.

"Did you seriously fulfill every fangirl's dream without telling us?" Tori whispered in her ear. Stefan's eyebrow rose at the word "fangirl", but didn't question it while in his human facade. Alice simply smirked at her sister in response.

Aware of Alice's closeness to Damon, Tyler and Hayley worked on befriending the Salvatores. As Hayley recognized how much fun everyone was having, a thought crossed her mind. "It's too bad cousin Bonnie couldn't come. She could really use some fun right now. She spends all her time checking on Elena these days."

"I know, but it's her dad's week with her, and it would've violated the custody agreement." Alice explained.

"That sucks. I'm so glad Tori helped my dad get full custody of me. I can't imagine being stuck at some random guy's place with my mom instead of here with you guys." Matt commented.

"Speaking of parents, what's up with yours? They just send you off to spend the summer with your uncle's family?" Tyler asked the Salvatores.

"No. They're dead." Damon stated bluntly.

"What he means to say is, our parents passed a while ago. Damon is my legal guardian and we just came back to be with the only living family we have left." Stefan spouted his rehearsed statement.

"Oh fuck. Sorry dude. Didn't mean to sound like a douche." Tyler apologized.

"It's okay." Stefan replied.

"Well to be fair, you kinda are a douche," Hayley playfully nabbed at her close friend. Tyler smirked and hip checked her in return for her comment.
A week after their trip to the beach, news spread of a little boy named Samuel Shane dying in a car accident. Remembering what this tragedy would lead to, Alice took action. She had been visiting Gia when they overheard one of the guests talking about it.

"We can't let the Shane's wake up Silas. He causes so much destruction. We can't kill him either. I would love for the doppleganger curses to be broken, but the Travelers would try to kill either Stefan or Tom as well as Amara and Katherine or Elena. Sure Katherine probably deserves to die and Amara wants to die, but Stefan and Tom still have bright futures ahead of them. Plus, I think Katherine should meet her daughter before she dies. That little girl deep inside her deserves to be reunited with the child that was ripped from her arms."

"I agree. We have to do something. But you can't be the one to do it. You don't want to trigger your werewolf curse with everything that happens around full moons. We don't know just how exact the curse is, so how about I ask Damon to just kill them?" Gia proposed. "They've already lost their son. Without him, they fall into darkness. It's too great a risk to let expressionists be walking around town. We have no of preventing them from turning to it now. Their deaths is our only option." Gia explained.

"Okay." Alice agreed. "I'll call Tori to fill her in, then I'll explain the situation to Damon and you ask him to do it."

It didn't take much to convince Damon. "Dark witches", "raise a 2,000 year-old immortal", and "you can suck them dry if you want," were plenty excuse for him to stage an animal attack on the unexpecting couple.

Another threat down, countless to go.

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