Dane Harrison

Morana seems really pleased with herself as she sits in front of me and sips on her iced drink... coffee? No, latte. Something overpriced anyway. My wolf prowls inside me. He's antsy for some reason and I don't know why and it's driving me insane.

I scribbles in my note book, well might as well call it a sketch book at this point, and try to get her out of my head. Something clatters from a few tables over and I can't stop the growl that leaves my lips. And older woman clicks her tongue and grumbles something about how youngsters can't control their wolves any more.

„Hey!" Morana waves a hand in front of my face, her black hair tied back with a huge pink bow. "Well, I'd say that went well. She was positively jealous." For some reason unbeknownst to me the idea of my black rose having interest in anyone irritates me. I feel the power of my wolf bleed into my body. „Control your wolf, Dane. You're not a pup or a dog."

"I'm trying" I bite out but even I see in the reflection of the window panel that my eyes are glowing. What the hell is wrong with me?

"You like drawing, right?" I look blankly at the black haired girl. "Draw me." I look at her confused. "Draw... you?"
"Yes, me. Keep your mind busy."

I look up and down fromme paper to her. From my pen to her obnoxious bow. I sigh. „Fine." I grunt and start sketching.

I'm done within a few minutes but the sketch is completely wrong. Not in the sense that it's a bad daring but- "That's not me." Morana flips the drawings around to herself. I release a growl and turn my head to the side. "Dane, what is wrong with you?" I see the reflection of my glowing eyes in my cup. "Is she your mate?" My wolf perks up instantly eyes snap back up to her. "What?"

"Don't be a pup. You heard what I said. Is. She. Your. Mate?" Morana almost seems uneasy even her abnormally big bow seems to droop. "No? I don't know. I haven't shifted yet." The dark haired girl freezes in shock before trusting to laugh it off. It doesn't work.

"Besides that what does it matter. At every turn she fights me. It's like she can't stand the thought of me." The vampire laughs so hard she almost doubles over. "You-" she cuts off as another. "Good to see the dumb blond stereotype also goes for the males." I growl and Morana tails her tongue across a fang in a grin. "Believe me, you'll know when she wants to rip your guts out. And that was not it, speaking from experience here."

I grunt. From a sideways glance I look at the clock and groan. "Class is starting soon. I need to go." I leave a few bucks on the table and leave the uni cafe. I wouldn't say I care for Morana but some part of me does feel a little down for just ditching her like that. But mostly because I said class was staring, I lied. Lying is bad, Amandas voice whispers into my ear. "Go away." Her tinkling laughter is the only thing I get in response as she fades away.

"Hey, Harrison?" A male voice calls to me. I recognise him as one of the wolves in the professors class. "The professor is looking for you." Why the hell would the professor be looking for me? "Okay, thanks." I say instead and seemingly as least half-truthful to my word I head towards the classroom. I tighten my tie and hope to the Goddess that my wolf won't randomly start acting out again.

The classroom is the same as it was before. The only difference being that it is now empty. The podium stands in the centre with the wooden flip-down benches surrounding it in a semicircle. Each row higher than the first. The wood looks worn and I think I would die of shame if I happened to be sitting at a squeaky seat.

"Ah, Mister Harrison." The professor gleams from above the glasses on his nose. On his desk papers lay scattered. He must have been marking them before I came in. "Sit, sit, young Wolf." Reluctant to display and elder pack member I follow his command. "Do you know the reason why I called you here?"

"No, Sir, I do not."

He hums and seems to think over his words for a moment. "I've heard you've become a respectable fighter." I shrug halfheartedly as I remember the spar I had with Astor a while ago. "Though I must say, your records are very misleading. According to them you were quite a pitiful pup." My nails dig into my skin and I take a sharp breath. If the professor notices my more-than irritated demeanour he doesn't show it. "May I ask", he starts as if I could stop him, "Where were you trained."

"I was transported to a different school. They had self-defence programs." I say still trying to remain polite. "Ah, yes." He chuckles to himself. "Seems like the academy can make runts acceptable. You'll make a fine warrior for the pack. Not great or brilliant but a very good foot soldier. You'll serve our to-be alpha well."

I shut my wolf down, even at the insults any growl or false movement could be misinterpreted as an insult to the next alpha. Even is he was the boy that made it he one goal during school to make my life hell. Chase Torent the bane of my existence. Amanda stands behind to professor and my gaze darts to her. Mmh, killing Chase would feel nice wouldn't it. After everything he's done... She giggles. The professor turns to look behind him but of course he doesn't see the tall read head girl.  "Get out of my sight" I hiss at Amanda but a growl from the professor stops me. "What was that?" He growls. I back track and try to explain with a spluttering voice that I was just talking to myself, he doesn't seem to but it but the full submission of my wolf puts him at ease again.

"Anyway, Mister Harrison, I called you here to give you some advice. As we both know you haven't shifted yet, but when that happens I'd like to know." He pauses and even the blurt image of Amanda seems confused. Somethings odd. I agree with her.

"You should enrol to the Alpha-Guard."

"But, Professor, I'd have to drop all my classes."

"Precisely my point, young wolf. Your brain is much more useful than your brain. And the young Alpha will need the man power."

He ignores my reluctant face and puts his reading glasses back on. "Think on it." He says simply and waves me off. I'm being dismissed. Something about the entire conversation- no- the blatant disrespect of the whole conversation irks me but I force myself to calmly get up from my seat.

"Good day, Mister Harrison." The old wolf says when I reach the door. I don't bother with a reply.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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