Dane Harrison

My black rose.

I felt my breath be knocked out of me when I saw her this morning. I felt my throat tighten when I saw the idiot start to mock her. I couldn't hear what he and his friends had said to her but I felt her anger from all the way over there.

And now, when she stands in front of me I feel like my heart will burst. No. I can't let myself be distracted. I am taller than her now and I suppress a low rumble of pride when I see her eye me up. Finally I meet her gorgeous, blue eyes. She is just like I remember her, tan skin, dark hair. Only even more stunning - grown.

No. I can't let myself be distracted by anything. Not even by here. If my I had reached full maturity by now I'm sure my wolf would beat me up for it. Not even seeing Amanda could knock me down from this high.

I grip my knife harder and swing. "Cotton ball." She say so sweetly it makes me stagger yet I'm already in full momentum, I can't stop. In the last moment of dive to the side and roll over my back behind her. My hair falls into my face and through the strands I see her lunge.

Bringing her legs to either side of me, she twist her body trying to immobilise me. But I see it coming. Rolling out of the way I spring to my feet just in time to block her attack with my knife. The momentum of her movement bring her closer to me than anticipated and I hold her gently by the hip to me. Our chests are inches apart.

My eyes lock with hers and I am stuck. Frozen. Unable to move. My eyes track her ever movement and yet I am completely at her mercy. With one swoop I am on the floor and she sits, holding a knife to my throat.

"Easily distracted?" She says teasingly as she leans forwards. Some of her loose strands fall and barley stroke my face. I hook my leg around hers to switch our positions, yet in the middle of the movement she twists her body and jumps to her feet.

Without even having a chance to notice she grips shoulder and I her hip, and knife to my throats again and a knife to her lower stomach. Both of us are breathing heavily and I notice the noice of other hand-to -hand fights. Or rather, lack thereof.

A slow clap sounds and both of our heads whip towards the professor. A elderly, and still well but man, clearly a werewolf. "Well done, the both of you. Mister Harrison, I do believe you are the first ever opponent to ever almost get the upper hand." He waves his hands gleefully. "Why, Miss Astor I believe we have found you a worthy partner, don't you think?"

Freya looks disgusted by the idea. "Disrespectfully, Professor, I do think and I know that this is a terrible idea. I have already made my stance on having a partner very clear." The greying man only chuckles and shakes his head slightly. "Hmm, yes. You two will work perfectly. I have decided." Freya's moths drops open and she steps off the mat. "Sir, you can't-"

"The two of you will work together for the rest of the academic term. Hmm, that should be long enough. If by the end of that you still want to have a different partner, you may request one." He chortles to himself. "I will let the factually know about your pairing, class dismissed." Amanda stands beside him, Good luck, she chortles. He red hair not swaying in the wind like everyone else's. Why would it. It's not like she's really here.

The other students laugh and of course all the attentions is on us. On me and her. I don't like it. A sweat breaks out on my skin and my hands begin to feel clammy. I gather my bag and quicky move away, as fast as I can. I can't bear anymore attention. I feel many eyes follow me as I rush off the field and into the showers.

I rush everything and don't bother to check if all my clothes are in order. Where can I go, where there are as little people as possible? The library is a good place the tall redhead advices.

I step out of my cubicle after having put on my suit. A simple dress coded but one the school deemed necessary. I walk out of the changing room and up the stone staircase onto the foyer. Glancing one last time at my timetable I groan. „Great, two free periods." Might as well go to the library and finish the assignments I was given.  After all I doubt my partner even attempted to do them.

I think I catch a delicious sight of a certain someone coming my way out of the corner of my eye. I to a trouble take and grumble as other students as well as teachers walk the halls. „Really, Dane?" I mutter to myself. „Now, you've gone completely insane. Seeing her when she isn't there."

No one pays any attention to my when I step into the library. Off to the corner a girl sits on a dudes lap, and they're... laughing.

Love is nothing but pain and yet they are... happy? No, it's just for show. She will break his heart just as she once did. It's in their species. Werewolf women are never to be trusted, especially not after Gr-

I find a quiet spot at the back of the library and I hang my jacket over the back of my chair before I begin my research.

The rumor of the portals spread like wildfire throughout the magical world, and many witches set out on quests to find them, hoping to use them to explore different realms and uncover the mysteries of the universe. Some even hoped to use them to become stronger, more powerful, hoping that the portals would lead them to new powers and abilities. While the existence of these portals was never proven, the mere possibility of such things existing was enough.

Yet many doubt that such things even exist. Still, the idea of a portal to another world, a universe where all manner of magic, wonder, and danger await, holds a powerful allure to those who dare to believe. A persistent rumor that strong witches could create wormholes and portals to other dimensions spread. Some claimed to have seen these portals for themselves, but there was no definitive proof.

My brain starts to hurt and I rub my temples. Portals are nothing but myth, no sane werewolf would ever believe that something of the kind existed. I close the book with a thud and pull out my sketch book and a random pen. I let my mind go where it wants to and don't think as I draw. Peace flows through me, a sense of calm as I lean back into my chair and let the pen do the rest.

„You never did get out of the habit of drawing, did you, Cotton ball?"

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