The names go back for centuries, but a lot of them are left as dead ends, whilst others who became part of different families still have their family line notes on the tree. A small dot is placed under some of the name and Circe presumes it is those who had the ability to see into the future. Her own name is right at the very bottom of the page, with no others, the dot underneath her name confirming her suspicions.

The brunette's scan over the crimson words on the pages, noticing that no other branches of the family have been added to for a good couple of centuries. Presumably her own had only been written due to her. This also begs the question as to how or why Circe has this gift when the ability has been dormant for so long.

The family tree dates back to 1400bc, the first ancestor to be noted's name is Phemonoe. She has a dot under her name, so presumably this would be the first instance of seer abilities in the family. Circe still has no idea who this woman is, which causes her to groan. She's one step closer to figuring everything out, but with one of her questions answered another ten pop up in its place.

The door to the dorm room slams open, causing her to shove the book back under her bed and leap up to the ground. "Circe, what are you doing here?"

"I just felt like I needed to get changed, I've been stuck in these pyjamas all day and even after the scourgify spell Madame Pomfrey cast I can still feel the blood on them." The brunette explains quickly.

Addy shakes her head, running over to Circe's side. "Are you feeling better now?" The blonde wraps the girl into a tight hug, her arms are trembling as she does so.

"Much, thank you Addy." She replies sincerely, grateful for the girl dragging her down to the infirmary the previous day.

The two of them stay like that for a while, both of them relived that the brunette is okay. It had been quite a terrifying experience for the both of them. "You know you can talk to me about anything, right? Or if not me any of your other friends."

"I know." Circe whispers back, despite knowing that she probably won't be confiding in any of them for a while. Being a seer is dangerous and even though she knows that none of them would use her for her ability, it's dangerous for them to even know about it. Just because she has to bear the burden of knowing how devastating this war will be, it doesn't mean that they have to quite yet. "Well I should probably get changed and head back down to the infirmary- Remus will have a heart attack when he notices I'm not there."

"You're most likely right." Addy giggles, releasing them both from the hug. The blonde waits for her to get changed before walking back to the infirmary with her. Inside Remus is sat on the bed, with an old piece of parchment in his hands and is hunched over it, much to the girl's confusion. "What is he doing?"

"Thanks for walking me back." Circe says quickly, waving her friend off as to not reveal the secret of the Marauder's map. The boy looks up from the parchment, relief filling his face, as he hears her voice. "Sorry I wanted to get changed." She lies once more.

"You could have woken me up, I was so worried when I realised you weren't here." Remus sighs, standing up from the bed and pulling her into a height hug. His back hunches over once more as he rests his chin on the top of her head and wraps his arms tightly around her small waist. The tips of his fingers dig into her skin, sending shivers running up her spine due to him holding her so dearly. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Circe debates explaining even part of what had happened to him- hating to keep so many secrets from the person she knows that she is destined to be with. "Spoilers." Is all she can say, which only confused him all the more. She can't bring herself to tell him the truth yet, but she isn't going to lie to him.

Remus isn't oblivious to the fact that there is something different about the girl in front of him- there always has been. Even when the two of them first met on the train at the beginning of the year he felt inexplicably drawn to her, and her to him. His hatred and self loathing had blinded his thoughts for a while, making him miss the signs that there is some otherworldly force pushing the two of them together, but not anymore. Her words after the first full moon she had spent with him alone prove that Circe already knows more about this than she is apparently willing to let on. He wants to know more, to learn all of her secrets and the things she is so desperately trying to hide. However he also doesn't want to push her away.

Remus Lupin doesn't just want Circe Darkwood, he needs her.

"Are you hungry?" The brunettes asks the boy with a giggle after hearing his rumbling stomach. It suddenly dawns on her that she hasn't eaten anything since yesterday's dinner.

Remus blushes slightly at the loudness of his stomach, remembering that he hadn't even touched his breakfast because he had been so worried about her. "Yes." He says quietly. The boy runs one of his fingers against the bandages that are tightly bound around her neck. "Are you okay to eat?"

Circe nods grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the infirmary. "It's mostly healed by now, it's just a little sore still." Dinner hasn't quite finished in the great hall, but neither of them feel like attracting a load of attention in there, so they decide to go to the kitchens.

A/n sorry about the late update, i did three double shifts in a row and just wasn't feeling great

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