little do they know | fabian rutter

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"oh fabian, a player now. two girls at once, high five." fabian rolled his eyes and stalked out of the room at jerome's comment. jerome shrugged but held out a hand to alfie instead.

mara looked towards the smaller, (y/h/c) girl sitting next to her with sympathetic eyes.

"are you alright (y/n)?" she asked softly. (y/n) sighed, but nodded.

"yeah. i'm used to it at this point." she set down her fork on the plate containing a half eaten pancake. "i'm just ready to go to school."

mara nodded. she finished the bite of muffin she was eating and picked up her bag, following (y/n) out the door.

"you know, you could just talk to him." mara suggested. (y/n) stared at her. "i mean think about it, he's said himself he doesn't like either of them. i think that means he likes you."

"mara, are you kidding?" (y/n) exclaimed. "no way does he like me."

"who likes you?" the voice of the one and only fabian rutter caused (y/n) and mara to both jump out of their skin.

"oh, no one." (y/n) mumbled.

"a-alfie. alfie likes her." mara chimed in. (y/n) gave her a look and mara gave her a slight shrug. "yeah. alfie likes her. i heard him telling jerome the other day."

"o-oh." fabian stuttered. "w-well that's exciting."

"yeah." (y/n) chuckled.

"i've got to go, i-i forgot my textbook." mara mumbled before shooting (y/n) a knowing glance and rushing off in the direction of the school.

"still on for our study session tonight?" (y/n) asked. fabian nodded, but didn't say anything.

"so, alfie." fabian nodded slowly.

"i-i guess so, yeah. that-that is what mara said." (y/n) rambled. "o-of course we don't even know if it's true."

"i mean, why wouldn't it be? you're funny, smart, pretty, whole package really." fabian blushed. (y/n) blushed even harder. "are-are you gonna go for it?"

"um, i dunno really." she whispered. "i-i mean if-if he does like me, which i-i don't think he does, i would give it a shot but i'm not seeking him out."

fabian nodded. the two remained silent until (y/n) spoke up again, breaking the silence.

"so, nina and joy, huh?" fabian turned redder than she had ever seen him.

"o-oh, no no no, they've got the wrong idea. i-i actually don't like either of them." fabian rushed to explain. (y/n) looked up at him. "nina knows that, but joy? i'm not so sure. but i-i a-actually w-wanted to-"

"hey fabes!" fabian was cut off by the ever cheery voice of joy, the one and only. (y/n) felt her heart rate slow down.

although she knew it was unlikely, she was hoping fabian was going to tell her he wanted to take her out on a date.

"oh hey joy." fabian sounded defeated as well.

"i hope i'm not interrupting, i just wanted to see if you had some time to talk about the film." joy linked their arms as she spoke. she looked over at (y/n) with a tilted head.

joy had no idea that (y/n) liked fabian. the only person who did, was mara. (y/n) tried to hide her wilted face and forced a smile.

"not interrupting at all. i'm actually going to wait here for mara to come back, she forgot her textbook." (y/n) explained. "see you around fabian, joy."

"w-wait i-" fabian began, but joy began chattering and walking off as she waved to (y/n), silently thanking her for allowing her to spent time with her crush.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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