don't leave me | jerome clarke

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there wasn't time to process, there wasn't time to understand what was happening, there wasn't even time to breath or blink. before she could do anything, rufus had grabbed (y/n). he was demanding the cup and the elixir, and (y/n) was going to lose her life if they didn't comply.

"we only have a few minutes." rufus gripped her tighter and (y/n) screamed. jerome's eyes filled with fear at the sight of the beautiful (y/h/c) girl in front of him.

"STOP IT LET HER GO!" jerome screamed. it was loud enough to startle them all. "TAKE ME INSTEAD!"

rufus looked back and forth between the girl he had hostage, and the one he hated most in the room. he shrugged.

"alright i'm flexible." with that, he threw (y/n) into fabian and grabbed jerome. (y/n) gasped as fabian stumbled and clutched onto her, trying to steady them both.

"jerome!" (y/n) cried. she quickly turned around to face rufus, who was snarling as if he'd release the bugs on jerome regardless of whether they gave him the cup.

"now, give me the cup!" rufus demanded. everyone was frozen in shock, but (y/n) moved first.

she whirled around to get the cup, but jerome's voice stopped her.

"don't do it!" he cried. jerome looked right at (y/n). "(y/n), don't give it to him. don't let him have it."

"i'll do it." rufus gripped him tighter, threatening release. "i swear i'll do it."

"do it then." jerome was still staring at (y/n). "i don't care. i deserve it anyway. just don't give it to him guys. don't let him drink from the cup. if one of us is gonna die, it might as well be me."

"jerome, no." (y/n) whispered. "don't do it. please."

(y/n) felt scared. she felt such genuine fear in her heart that she couldn't breath. her breathing picked up.

"you can't leave me. i'm sorry, but i can't let that happen." (y/n) took a step forward. nobody else in the room moved or spoke, everyone too afraid to move. "i need you."

(y/n) looked at rufus.

"take it. please, take it. just let him go." (y/n) tentatively handed him the cup.

"(y/n) no!" jerome cried as rufus's hand met the cup.

"now, get the elixir." rufus barked. "NOW!"

(y/n) jumped as she rushed to get it and dump it in the cup. rufus wasted no time in swallowing every last drop.

"now let him go." (y/n)'s voice broke. rufus looked at him in disgust as he threw the big down and stomped it.

he then used all his strength to shove jerome into (y/n). she threw her arms around him, but the force of rufus's shove knocked them both to the ground. jerome made no move to get off of her, instead he wrapped his arms around her to the best of his ability.

"you're alright." he whispered in her ear. "you're ok, you're safe."

"jerome." (y/n)'s breathing had picked up and her voice was shaky. "why would you do that?"

jerome took her hand and pulled her up into a standing position. no sooner did she straighten herself out did she latch back onto him, breathing heavily into his chest.

"i'm sorry." he whispered. "i wasn't thinking. i just needed you to be safe."

"you-you could've died." (y/n) wailed into his jacket. they paid no mind to anything else.

not the fact that alfie had pretended to die, that fabian had revealed the elixir was fake, or that victor was in the room. they didn't notice when the rest of the sibuna gang and victor evacuated the cellar and they were left standing alone in the cellar.

"i know. i'm sorry, i'm so sorry." he whispered into her hair. "i'm here."

"please don't ever do that again." (y/n) begged. "don't you ever scare me again."

"i'd never leave you princess, i hope you know that." although she was still in distress, (y/n) felt herself blush at the nickname. "i'll never leave you. i'm in this for the long haul."

"please don't leave me." she whimpered. "please, please, please don't leave. please."

"hey," jerome placed a hand under her chin and tilted her head up, "i'm not going anywhere. i'm never gonna leave you, not now, not ever."

"you promise?" (y/n) sniffled.

"i promise. you're my (y/n), you're so special. you're the best thing that's ever happened to me." his voice got quieter with each word. "i'd be the worlds biggest fool to even consider giving you up."

(y/n) finally relaxed- they were both gonna be okay.

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