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Be Quick. Haze said.

Lift your shirt up I said .

And he did.

Your whole body is full of blood.
Where is bathroom? I asked him

That way he said.

There was a towel in his room I washed it with cold water and walked out. I started cleaning it.

Author Pov-

Bellona was cleaning back of Haze  .
She saw a tattoo of rain and a girl standing there.

She recalled the conversation when she told him how much she loved rain.

She stated brushing that tatto.

Haze :
I  wanted to say but idk why I was unable to.  It's almost after ages someone is actually caring for me.
I couldn't say no.

After 4 years she is close to me .
It feels like tickling inside your stomach.

She was touching the tattoo I made.
And that gentle touch made me feel alive. My medicine by cure.

After 7 mins she was done dressing.

When she saw Haze sleeping. So
Peaceful and relexed.
My old Haze.
My is a wrong word for him.

I tried moving away realising he holded my hand.

I was unable to move and idk when I just slept there .

Haze pov-
I   woke up next to her and saw myself holding her.

Ohh Haze you are stupid. I woke up and walked out .


It's 6 days since that happened everyone is good now and it's party tomm.

At the dining table.

Kile : Haze American's are also coming tomorrow we can talk about that deal with them .

Haze : that's great we will get this one for sure .

Kile: there is a problem.

Haze : what'?

Kile : American Don is married man and he wants to give this deal to someone married

Haze : bullshit

Kile: it's his wife order.

Haze : this love and there melodrama ohh god .

Bellona : that's so sweet. Being a Mafia leader and still listing to his wife .

(Haze : that's why we never ended up together she is totally different) thinking in mind.

Kile: yeah but we need this deal at any cost.

Alexa: simple Haze fake it.

Haze : Fake what?

Alexa: your marriage or engagement.

Haze : what nonsense!

Kile  : she is write . We need this deal at any cost it's about Russians!

Haze : if killing them takes real mariage I'll do that with ni hesitation.

Alexa: great tho take a girl with you tomorrow.

Haze: who tho?

Charlie: you can take alya with you.

Adrain: no she is kinda busy.

Charlie: you are her PA? How do you know?

Alya: he is tha one keeping busy.

Charlie: oh god such an simp.

Adrian : call one of your call girl.

Haze : I don't even remeber there faces .

Alexa: Bellona take her.

Haze : what? No.

Alexa: you live under same roof none will suspect. It's just an act Haze.
Bellona pls don't say no this is important .

Kile: if we lost this deal one step backward to the lead.

Haze: no never! I will go .

Alexa: Bellona say yes pls.

Bellona: as if I have options.

Bellona pov-

Next day it was party day .

I wore  a beautiful black gown.

Normal make up and minimum jewelry

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Normal make up and minimum jewelry.

I took a look at myself.
I was looking preety .

Kile: Bella come fast

I went down stairs.
Everyone eye's we're on me it  made me concious.

I saw Haze seating there his shirts 3 buttons were open reveling his chest attractive hands .

I saw Haze seating there his shirts 3 buttons were open reveling his chest attractive hands

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I saw him looking at me.

Blake: Bellona  , oh my god you look breath taking so beautiful.

Alya: you do wallah you look good so fine.

Alexa: touchwood evil eye's off you.

Adrian : can I change my partner.

Everyone chuckled.

Kile: let's go

Haze pov-( she looks breathtaking. Rn I feel as a hungry loin who would eat her ).

We walked up .

Haze: in my car.


Haze: in my car you are supposed to be my fiance ofc come with me.

Ohh okay.


I ship them already 😭❤️

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