Swimming in Silence

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When we were finally heading out of the club, i felt myself feeling numb,guilty..then suddenly..


My heart almost stopped, ellie was actually running on traffic, my heart sank and i started to run towards her but a small voice in the back of my head was telling me that it wasn't a good idea to run after her right now. but i couldn't just let this happen, i could see how close the cars were getting and how she was clearly in no condition to be running around right now. I tried to shout, but the alcohol had made my voice all fuzzy: "ellie!!!" I was just hoping she would hear me

My heart was pounding as I started running faster and shouted her name again: "ellie!!! the car!!! be careful!!!" she didn't hear me, the driver of the car didn't see her either, he was heading towards her fast.

I was getting ready to jump in front of her to stop the car if needed, but just when it was almost too late, the car saw her and was able to stop right before hitting her, all I can remember is relief flooding in me as I let out a sigh...

The car had stopped, the driver must be so confused at how close it got to hitting her. I realized that she had actually been running away from me for a moment and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, but then I remembered that there was only one thing i should focused on: was she okay?

I ran to her, my only goal at the moment was to make sure she was fine. i caught her by the arm and held her firmly as soon as she got too close to the street. 
"hey hey, are you okay?"

she stumbled a bit at first, but once she realized it was me, she tried to pull away.

"ellie!! just wait, please listen to me! please!"

"just... I have to go, I'm tired..." is all she could say with a slightly shaky tone in her voice.

I let go of her arm because I knew if I kept grabbing her arm i would make her uncomfortable...i had no choice, but to go back and just hope that i would have a chance to talk to her again in my life.



4 days have passed since the night at the club, but It felt like a lifetime since I had seen chocol. We haven't spoken since.
After I had left the bar I continued to spend the rest of that night and the next few just thinking about the whole situation with Chocol and Bada. How could they do this to me? how could Chocol do this to me? she could've just told me that she was dating Bada instead of lying, why did she feel the need to lie? I would've been heartbroken, but now i'm just feeling.. betrayed. the woman who i love lied to me and kissed the dancer teacher she said she disliked... 

I was getting more and more anxious with each passing day because I knew at some point, I was going to have to face Chocol and it wasn't going to be easy at all, but i decided to not limit myself and signed up for tomorrows dance battle.
me leaving the bar when seeing them must've been so awkward, ugh. I didn't know what I would say to her or what she was going to say to me, I know that the situation would be very awkward and uncomfortable but I couldn't keep avoiding it for any longer. why god, why did i have to fall in love with a woman who was a literal womanizer?

1 new text message from "street girlies!"

Mini: hey girls! pool party at my house, today, 22:00 PM, don't forget to bring your water guns! xx

oh my god, what? what do i do? if i don't go, they'll think that I'm avoiding them, but if i go there, I'll see chocol and I'm not ready for that...what should i do..


The girls were practicing for the upcoming battle, learning some new moves as well as mastering old ones.


I could see Chocol standing off to the side by herself while everyone else was gathered around the open space where we were practicing, but I guessed that she was probably still upset and wanted to be alone.

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