2-the last time

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In the room that witnessed the crime, the sister stands as detective this time and observes the layout of the room, those books organized on the shelves, and that small desk that contains some papers with some writings on them.
They must have been her sister's drafts !
She left the place to get some fresh air and tears filled her eyes
" This time it's difficult " Her trembling legs carried her to her car

Suddenly she picked up her phone after the notification sound
She received a message from Dr. Fabian: " Miss Raelynn can we meet and talk? I know you are going through a difficult time but if you can come it is important that we talk about what happened "

She drove her car towards the location Fabian had sent. All she could think about was her sister and the memories she had left with her.

Flash back :
Early in the morning, Raelynn was waiting for her younger sister at the breakfast table boredly
" Here comes the little lady, (while pointing to the expensive watch on her wrist) I'm almost late for work. a long day to work with stacked files that are almost too tall for me "
The other rolled her eyes:
" I'm not ready to hear anything. Can we just sit in peace? Oh, I almost forgot inform your mother that she doesn't need to send anyone around me I'm good at managing my own life "
Her sister replied with a smile:
" How similar we are Amy "
End Flash back

Raelynn entered the coffe while looking for who had invited her when she saw Fabian waving his hand she walked towards him complaining about the noise, as her head hurt after so much crying " Hello, all my sincere condolences I wish we had met better ... you know "
Raelynn: " thank you, but this is life we can't change it "
Fabian: " have a seat please, Do you want to drink something? Tea or Mojito if i'm not wrong you like Cappuccino
right ? (He was about to call the waiter but she stopped him.) No, thanks
Fabian: Well, away from all the formalities, you know that apart from the fact that I was your sister's therapist I am (he continues hesitantly) i am his best friend .. if i you allow me to call him her boyfriend "
Raelynn raised one eyebrow:
" I know him william ,but did you bring me her to tell me this? "
Fabian: " Of course no. You know all the fingers of accusation are pointing at him . I tried to use the techniques of my profession and my experience to interrogate him but he does not look like he's the killer and whenever I asked him about the reason for his disappearance that day he ignores me , I know him very well If he has a desire to do it , he would have killed her a long time ago "
Raelynn interrupted him angrily :
" You have said enough I accepted your invitation and thought that I would talk to my sister's therapist ,,,Perhaps I would know about her condition before her death but now I see in front of me a lawyer ,Tell your friend to pray to God sincerely that he is not the killer ,Then I will not behave with him in good way , I will be the karma that follows him every day , every second "

She carried her bag and quickly left the coffee. She returned fastly to her car to be alone again and begin her hysterical crying

Author pov:
Raelynn was like the twin of Amelia
As her sister called her the Moon Girl
She was known for her sincerity to her job and her strict and sensitive personality at the same time and most importantly her love obsession to revenge , she lost her lover and now her sister too..

While fabien sitting there looking at the empty place in front of him an idea cames to his mind and he decided to rush to his best friend to convince
him of it

in another place
In that family home that seems quiet and nice but not the same for the siblings
Nevin scolds her brother in a loud voice: " David! Why were you following her everywhere? And you tried to kill her maybe your plan succeded
this time who knows "
Her brother responded sarcastically:
" Yes, I tried to kill her and I was stalking her, but I did not pretend to be her friend in order to steal from her...., I even tried to protect her while you were revealing her secrets here and there "

Amelia was standing in front of the mirror touching with her fingertips the visible scars on her neck from the other(David)'s attempts to kill her
She adjusted the collar of her sweater to hide them and went out to her balcony to watch the sky as she had done since childhood ,Her eyes sparkled with joy
" Raelynn, it is the blood moon ! "
The sister answered Amelia call quickly and they were standing there in joy and admiration for the shape of the moon Amelia interrupted the moment
" Do you know Rae I was going to die " Her sister replied anxiously:
" Are you okay? "
" I survived "
" Well Amy that's good now you should go to bed tomorrow Your loved one's birthday party is waiting for you "
The older sister hugged the younger one and planted a kiss on her forehead
" May you have the most beautiful and happiest dreams "
End flashback

" I survived but it was the last time "

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞Where stories live. Discover now