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BLONDE HAIR BOUNCED OFF SWEAT as the small man heaved up luggage on top of the carriage. The carriage was heavenly painted in all black, white details splattered around the edges like a newly sowed corset. Mentioning corsets, the man huffed and loosely toyed at the one suffocating his tiny waist and broad shoulders. He let out a heavy breathe as he rolled up the sleeves of the white dress shirt under the vest-like corset. He was dying under this heat.

"Mr. Lucifer, sir, may I assist you?" A voice behind Lucifer spoke, and Lucifer just shook his head and gave a lazy smirk.

"No, I'm afraid not, my good sir! I have already lunged this luggage up by myself!" Lucifer laughed, and turned around to one of his butlers.

"I'm sure a strong guy like you handled it just find, my lord." The butler chuckled, but carried a worried look on his face. Lucifer felt the atmosphere change.

"You flatter me, my good man Achilles, but I can't help but wonder. What troubles you on this fine day?" Lucifer smiled, upholding a confident glance upon Achilles.

Achilles was a handsome man, plagued with old age that colored his hair. His eyes shone an amber and his eyebrows were furrowed and littered with gray. he had a mustache that was similar to his eyebrows, but far darker in color than the white littering his features.

"My apologizes sir." Achilles weakly smiled and glanced back at the carriage behind him.

"Don't apologize. I'll miss you too. No wonder Lilith made me swear away my servants! Another way to get back at me, I guess." Lucifer sighed, he looked back at the mansion-like palace that they stood infront of.

"Why, I cannot permit you to speak about The lady like that." Achilles frowned. "However, I'll miss you too, my lord." Achilles bowed, and as he stood back up straight he looked down, shocked at the man bowing back.

"No wonder I have a snake named after you, Achilles." They broke into chuckles.

"Father! Get this man off of me!!"

"Sir! The Lady forbids you two on the property any longer! I'm sorry, but you must leave." Another butler, a bulky, big bald man struggled against the 10-year-olds kicks. Achilles looked back at lucifer then the scene behind them. He could feel the boiling hot rage that emanated off of the small man.

"Unhand my daughter at once!" Lucifer bellowed, and Charlie was dropped to the floor and growled.

"Sir, I apologize.. But The Lady gave me a new order-" Lucifer growled and stomped up to the man.

"Do you think think that gives you the right..?" Lucifer darkly stared up at the man, who shook in fear. Achilles, noticing the result of these events, quickly stood Charlie on her feet and away from the two.

"Achilles! Bring me back this instant!" Charlie pouted.

"My Lady, let's just check your bedroom for any missing luggage-"

"-No! I want to see Daddy!" Charlie ripped out of Achilles grasp, right as they were inside, just infront of the door-


Charlie gasped and she covered her ears. Achilles sighed and brought Charlie back outside.

"Char-Char! Are you ready? Did you forget anything?" Charlie frowned and nodded. She was upset and only looked forward on her trip back to the carriage. She didn't dare look to the side. Lucifer took note, but just opened the carriage door for his daughter.

"Did you say 'bye' to Mommy?" Lucifer smiled up at his daughter. Instead of getting a response, Charlie just rolled her eyes and grumbled.

Lucifer silently got into the carriage and waved off Achilles.




THE HORSES FEET was the only thing that filled the silence of the ride, the occasional scribbling of Charlie's pen.

Soon enough, Lucifer felt himself drifting off into sleep. As his vision blurred, he could hear the slightest bit of sniffles in the carriage. Sitting up, he rubbed his eyes and worriedly looked at Charlie.

"Charlie? What's the matter, my dear?" Lucifer leaned and wiped away the flowing tears of his daughter.

"Why do we have to move Dad? Why couldn't we just stay in our place and make Mom move? I don't want to move Dad.." Charlie trailed on.

"And why did you kill that guy! He could've had a family!" Charlie wailed, her emotions just pouring through as her tears fell.

"Charlie, a man wouldn't risk anything like that for a family he cares about." Lucifer wiped Charlie's tears as the trailed down her face.

"If that man cared about a daughter or wife, then he wouldn't of sacrificed his life by harming mine. Do you understand?" Charlie nodded, and Lucifer continued.

"Charlie, I just want the best for us. For you. To not move, to stay at that place, it would've costed me everything."

'It would've costed me you.' Lucifer thought.

"Your mother- She didn't- It didn't work out she- Charlie, I just want to protect you, and your mother, she didn't. She wanted the house, and my finest things. But not you Charlie, I would never let her take you." Charlie sniffled as she ceased the flow of her tears.

"Why is Mommy doing this?" Charlie looked down and sniffled a few more times.

"She has her reasons, hun. But, do not speak bad about your mother. Don't forget, she is your mother. No matter what, blood is blood." Lucifer sighed, and rested against the seat.

"I understand, Daddy." Charlie frowned and looked down at her feet. Sighing, Lucifer reached below the seat and pulled out a case. Opening it, he revealed a black guitar with fine, gold edges and designs.

Charlie looked up, and smiled.

"Did y'know the devil wears a suit and tie..~"


introduction to our favorite duo! heading down to louisiana!

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