Chapter 2 Part 6: The Unexpected Encounter

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In the room, it was World War 3 and 4 happening. Charm was shuffling around the room looking for shelter. Meanwhile, Khloe was looking for things to throw.

"How dare you call me a beast!" she yelled.

"It's true! Who pepper sprays a person randomly?" Charm asked.

"I don't know. When a random person is in my hotel room?!" she shouted.

"Oh, that does make sense." Charm said, embarrassed.

Khloe started to throw pillows and blankets at him. Charm was able to block most of her attacks, but not all. She throw a pillow so hard it knocked him out.

Khloe over to Charm and started to dragged him out of her room. Charm woke up and started screaming.

"You're crazy!"

"WHAT!" Khloe yelled.

He raised him up and threw him out of her room. She quickly went into the room and threw all of his belongings in the hallway.

"Don't you ever call me a beast or crazy again!"

Khloe let out a big puff of air and looked around. She realized that her and Charm made so much noise that the whole floor heard everything.

"I'm so sorry for waking everyone up. Please, forgive me." she pleaded.

"It's fine, deary. We just wanted to know if you were okay." said the second woman.

"Yes, I'm fine." answered Khloe.

"We know that much. You can handle yourself well." said the third lady, savage like.

Khloe smiled pridefully and everyone went back inside. She went inside of her room and launched Charm's things at him. She stuck her tongue out to him and slammed her door shut. Charm remained there on the floor completely dumbfounded. As he came back to reality, he snatched his things together and walked downstairs to the hotel lobby.

Once he made it downstairs, he stopped in a corner to make a call. He dialed the number and waited for the person to answer. He didn't wait long until his plan was about to put set in motion.

"Hey Leo! Do you have a moment to talk?" Charm asked.

"Of course! Whatever you need, Charm." Leo said.

"I feel like my birthday party was a bit of a busted. I feel like it was too classic for the 21st century, you know? So, I would like to do a birthday re-take." he said.

"Okay. Where would you like to have this birthday retake?" Leo asked.

"Can I have it at the pool? It could be like a tropical themed birthday party." he said.

"Sounds great. I'll make the necessary preparations tomorrow morning." Leo said.

"Great! You're the best, Leo!" Charm said, cheerfully.

"No problem!" Leo answered.

Charm hung up the phone and his whole mood changed. "Give a few commplements and he does your bidding." He rolled his eyes at the last caller he was going to talk to that night. The phone rang for a while before the caller answered. It was like they were trying to rub in the fact that Charm hand to call in such an embarrassing way.

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