Make My heart beat faster - 2

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Jennifer and Jessica were sisters who are both inlove with the two best friends Marcus and Julian. Jessica is madly inlove with Marcus while Jennifer is inlove with Julian. They love them for their handsome looks not for the real person, the real heart of them. Jessica and Jennifer and talking in their lunch break.
" You know my seat mate jack likes Iris and he also wants her as his girlfriend ". Jennifer spoke happily.
"Hmm... that's a good thing you know we can take help from him because he also likes Iris, but i think it's not necessary to take help from him now because they're only seat mates ". Jessica said calmly.
" Ok as you say sis" Jennifer said and continued eating.

Marcus was walking casually walking in the corridor when he got suddenly pulled.
" What the?" Marcus said looking at Julian.
" You're mom called me to her office and she again said that do you had a girlfriend? or you're hiding it from her " Julian said
" and what was you're reply? " Marcus asked.
" i simply said that..... you may have have a girlfriend, maybe you're hiding something from me or may not have a girlfriend ". Julian said.
" Why on earth have you told her that I may have a girlfriend?" Marcus asked.
" Dude look when I told you're mom, she looked quiet happy. You know I always wanted to make my mom happy but didn't had the chance because she left this world, you need to know that you're lucky to have a mom who cares for you alot while me! You know sometimes i cry because i don't have a mom ". Julian said sadly.
" Look Julian you know everything about my childhood and am really afraid from that incident what happened to my mom was destiny but I don't wanna make any girl's life like that ". Marcus said remembering that horrible incident.
Flashback ~~~~••
A little boy was running with his father and mother happily. The happy family was playing hide and seek. The little boy hide behind a tree while his mom hide behind the bushes and the father was trying to find the two of them. Suddenly someone came and was about to shoot the boy when the father got hit instead of the boy. The boy and the mother was crying helplessly. The mother called the Ambulance immediately. But it was too late. Before the father died his last words were
"Marcus my dear.... boy..... i.... know...... w..ho was...... about to.. ahh shoot you and..... it..... was.... you're ahhh". with that the father closed his eyes permanently and left this world while the little boy cried alot when the ambulance came and took his father away but the boy was traumatized. Suddenly his mother hugged hum tighty.
" Son I know that you're father will die one day after our marriage. It was a family curse but I loved you're daddy alot so I married him but that curse was still in this family ". His mom explained to him while sobbing.
" Mommy why did grandfather die?" the little boy asked.
" my dear your grandfather died for the same reason because it was a family curse and its only happens to the boy in this family ". His mom sobbing
" mommy that means that I will also die one day?". the boy said when is mother hugged him tightly
" don't say this my boy don't say you're my only son you are my only one of trust i can't let you go away from this world you're my hope, I have no one for me only you and your grandmother I don't have anybody after you're father left this world ". the mother cried and collided with the floor
End of flashback ~~ ••

" I know Marcus, I know everything but please don't say that you will leave this world ". Julian said with tears in his eyes.
" I don't have a choice Julian, it's a family curse I don't want to ruin the life of a girl like that ". Marcus said with his tears on his face.
They were talking when Jessica arrived at that place.
" Marcus can you please come with me in the library to see the books ". Jessica said and marcus turned around this his cold - handsome face.
" You go am going after a while " Marcus said and left with Julian.
" I don't know why Prince charming always ignores me like am a nobody ". Jessica said with a pout on her face.

Iris was walking with stellar when her phone starting vibrating.
" Hello?". Iris answered.
" Ms. Iris am the doctor ". Doctor said.
"Yes doctor please say is my mom' s condition getting better?". Iris asked.
" No Ms. Iris instead her condition is getting worse day by day. Her head injury was really bad and I think she may not wake up ". the doctor said making Iris 's heart break into pieces.
" What will happen? I have no one except my mom what will i do?". Iris thought.
" Ms. Iris we found a medicine that can heal you're mom's injury but it's price is 56 million dollars ". the doctor said making Iris shocked.
" Ahh I will think about it later " Iris said and hang up the call.
" Iris what happened? why do you look so tensed?". Stellar asked.
" Stellar my mom 's treatments cause alot and her condition is getting worse what will happen now!?". Iris asked panicked.
" Iris I will help you ok? Don't panic i will help you caz my dad owns a company and my mom is a financial teacher so it will be help you ". Stellar said.
" No Stellar you helped me alot with her medicines and treatments I can't take all you're money. You're parents may ask you how you spent this money. Can you give me some more part time jobs to do?". Iris asked Stellar.
" Hmmm..... I know some part time jobs but how will you manage all our studies plus you have 100's of part time jobs?". Stellar asked Iris.
" If others can do why can't I do plus I have to manage everything for the sake of my mom". Iris said and walked out with Stellar.
"Stellar am going home ok? bye and if you need help text me immediately ok?". Iris said

Ok ok bye bye of little fairy Iris ". Stellar said and walked to her home's direction.
While going Iris bumped into someone.
" Ahh am really sorry Mr....?".

To be continued............................................

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