"The young lord, the one who took them in. Is he...." And she replied to the unasked question.

"He is a true noble and has provided them every opportunity. You have my word. They have been treated extremely well," she assured her. She saw her give a sigh of relief as a smile appeared on her face.

"That is good," she said, and there was a hint of cheerfulness in her tone. It felt as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulder.

"Can I meet them?" she questioned, and Tsunade nodded.

"I will bring it up when I see them again, but before that, I am in need of your help," she asked. She saw the redhead's eyes narrow as she leaned forward.

"I believe this has something to do with the crises brewing in the capital," Kushina guessed correctly, and she nodded.

"Indeed," she said.

"The crisis in the capital is expanding, with war on the horizon. The young lord I spoke of is also one of the few lords aspiring to inherit the daimyo's seat. And while I trust him to be capable of dealing with his opposition in the capital, I believe there are certain elements in the village that would prefer if it was his opponent who ascended the daimyo's throne," she replied and saw the redhead's eyes widen.

"But that's treason!" the redhead cut in with a gasp.

"Yes, yet that is only if you are caught doing it," she said and saw the redhead nod at those words.

"What do you need me to do?" she questioned, and Tsunade leaned forward.

"With an allegation as such made and the situation in the capital being as volatile as it is. Any shinobi of the village who takes on a mission that would require them to enter the capital would need special permission from the Hokage, basically allowing him to track the said shinobi's movements," she cut in, and the redhead frowned.

"I didn't know that," she said, and Tsunade nodded.

"Few do, for the rule is rarely enforced. But it was established in the rein of Uncle Tobirama, who had it put in place just for a situation like this. So, I wanted Minato and you to use your abilities to monitor for any shinobi that may enter or move inside the capital in a suspicious manner and lack the official signature from the Hokage office," she said, and the redhead nodded.

"I can do that, but the chakra tag..." and before she could finish, Tsunade slid forward a sealing tag, making the redhead quieten up.

"It was Grandma Mito who made that tag at the request of Uncle Tobirama. I still have several of them, but I believe that should be enough," she said, and Kushina picked up the sealing tag and passed her chakra through it as the tag glew with a particular red hue, and the redhead gave her a nod.

"That will do," she said, and Tsunade nodded, and with that, the trap was set.

All it would take to implicate Danzo was one move, one single move out of the confines of the law, and he would be done.

And most importantly, under these circumstances, they wouldn't even need the authorization of a Hokage to move against the man, for he would be compelled by law to persecute the person for treason.

"How are they?" Kushina's voice shook her out of her trance.

"The other two Uzumaki, how are they?" she elaborated when she frowned at her question.

"They are rather lovely, Kirin-san. She is the mother, serves the young lord as an advisor of sorts, and has two Kekkei Genkai, both of which the young lord believes were inherited by her daughter Karin, who is now about three years old, I think..."

Reborn in a Daimyo's court in NarutoWhere stories live. Discover now