Chapter 11 (after the argument)

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          Berrypaw stalked out of the healing den, feeling a mix of emotions. Why was Heatherherbs so mad? What had he done? Why did she have to say such hurtful things? Heaherherbs was just trying to.... No. He could not be feeling sympathy for..... Berrypaw's thoughts were cut short by somecat calling his name. He whipped around to see Emberpaw rushing towards him, out of breath. "Emberpaw! Where have you been? You've been gone for ages!" Berrypaw exclaimed. "Sorry. Got called away-Didn't manage to tell you-Listen, do you know where Treestar is?" Emberpaw huffed. "Well....Probably in his den. Why?" Berrypaw purred. "Thanks! Can't explain." Emberpaw meowed, taking off again.

"I found a sunshine spot, you know!" Berrypaw called after his crush but she could not hear him.

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