Chapter 2

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 Heatherherbs opened her eyes and raised her head to the sky , thinking about the dreams that she had about signs of darkness.

"What do they mean?" She muttered. " Berrypaw! Come help me!" Heatherherbs called.
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  A little while later, Berrypaw popped his head in. "Yeah? What is it?" He asked, his eyes shining with excitement. Heatherherbs only asked him for help when she really couldn't figure something out.

"What in the name of Rootstar do these signs mean? Help me, Berrypaw!" She meowed, shaking her head.

"How should I know?" Berrypaw mewed, shrugging. "Well, I don't know and you're here to help me find out, aren't you?" Heatherherbs replied, rolling her eyes

"Hmmmm....... A rebus perhaps? Also, Can we get breakfast first? My stomach is kicking up a racket!" Berrypaw complained, groaning. "You go get food then, bring it here. We can eat while we figure this out." Heatherherbs purred, laughing while not looking up from her sketch of the signs.

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