2: Introducing Marcellus

Start from the beginning

"Okay, I love mama and tell dad I love him too."

"We love you too bye."


Jenny hanged up the phone and walked to her husband. 

She hugged him and he hugged back, "You, okay?" Marcello asked his wife.


"We should get ready and leave for the hotel." He said and they grabbed their luggage that they packed before calling Marcellus. The couple walked to the front door and opened it for his wife to walk out before him. His eyes looked around the house to make sure he has everything and once he knew he was sure he didn't leave anything he walked out the door and closed it behind him locking it.

A few hours later after Marcello and Jenny left, Marcellus arrived home when he tried opening the door it wouldn't open. On knowing this Marcellus checked his pockets to see if his house key was on him. Nothing, the teen boy didn't panic right away because panicking makes things way more worse than what they are. "I did grab my keys, right?" He asked himself.

"Uh?" He bends down and took off his shoes to see if he hid it in one of them but nope... he didn't. "Why did I take off my shoes for? I would have probably felt them." He put his shoes back on and checked all his pockets from his jacket to his jeans and nothing.

"Did I really forget to bring them with me?"


The boy looked to see his next-door neighbor waving to him. Marcellus smiled and waved back, "Hi Mr. Smith, how's your morning doing?"

"My morning's fine. I saw for parent's car leave a while ago." 

"Yeah, they told me."

"Hm, hey do need help with something?" The asked the teenager.

Marcellus thought for a moment 'Should I tell him? Or not?' He wanted to tell him 'No' but something told him the opposite. "Uh, I think I forgot my house key this morning."

"Ah, so you're locked outside your house?" The man slightly grinned.

"Yes." The boy smiled.

The man looked at him shocked wondering how the young boy can still smile at a time like this. Mr. Smith cleared his throat, "Well, that's sucks I'm sorry I can't do anything for you." Mr. Smith pretended to be sad.

Marcellus grinned and nods, "That's okay I wasn't expecting you to do anything. I'll just have to find a way in or call someone." 

The middle-aged man rolled his eyes and nodded walking back in his house. The thing about Mr. Smith is that he never really like Marcellus or either of his parents. He mainly didn't like Marcellus because of how he smiled through almost everything and this was a good example of that. He locked out of house, but he's smile through it.

Marcellus sighed and took out his cellphone that is a flip phone. "I guess I'll call one of my friends." He says clicking on one of the contacts.

He put the phone to his ear and it ringed until someone answered, "Hello?" He hears a groggy voice. "Ethan?" 

"Marcellus? Why are you calling me?" 

"Are you sleeping?" He asked his friend.

"Ah, I was until you disturb my slumber." Ethan said annoyed that his nap was disturbed.

"I'm sorry, I'm locked outside my house and my parents won't be back until tomorrow night." He apologized. It got silent on the line, Marcellus furrowed his eyebrows "Hello? Ethan?"

"How are you locked out?"

"I went for an early morning walk and dad and mom left. I thought I had my keys, but I can't find them so I'm guessing they are inside the house."

"Fine you can stay here until your parents get back." Ethan sighed. "I'll tell my mom you'll be coming over."

"Thank you, I'm coming right over." Marcellus said and hanged up.

The sixteen-year-old went around the back of his house to grab his bicycle. He rode his bike to Ethan's home and once he got off, he placed his bike on the side of the house. Marcellus walked up the front steps and rang the doorbell.

Ethan opened the door with a blank face. Marcellus smiled, "Hi."

Ethan rolled his eyes and moved out the way, "Come on in." 

Marcellus nodded walked in his friend's home, "Thank you." 

Ethan shuts the door behind him and locked it. "Mom said that you can sleep in the guest bedroom." The seventeen-year-old told him. "I'll be in room."

"Okay, thank you um where's your mom?" 

"She's in the kitchen." He said and went upstairs leaving him in the living room. Marcellus takes off his jacket and put it on the coat rack. He walked to the entrance of the kitchen peaking his head inside. He sees Ethan's mother cooking something lunch he assumes, "Hello, Mrs. Richmon thank you for having me." He politely greeted the kind woman.

Mrs. Richmon smiled at the sixteen-year-old boy, "Marcellus, you're always welcomed to our home. In fact, any of my son's friends are welcomed you all are such a nice group of boys." She said going back to cutting up onions and putting them in the pan.

Marcellus entered and kindly asked, "Do you need any help?"

"Oh no, I'm good thank you hon. Why don't you go get yourself settled since you'll be staying with for-" He cut her off.

"My parents will be back tomorrow night, so I'll be leaving when they return home."

"Okay, I'm fine though you go and relax." She told him smiling.

He returned the smile and nodded backing out of the kitchen, "I'll go do that, thank you."

Marcellus walked in the guest bedroom and took off his shoes then laid down on the bed closing his eyes. "I'm gonna take a nap." He said with a smile, and he drifted off to sleep.












God Bless You :)

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