i) Carry On My Wayward Son

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Once I rose above the noise and confusion
Just to get a glimpse beyond the illusion

My phone kept ringing ManBat, I read, a nickname I gave to my dad when i was younger. I let the call go to voice mail and focus on the road instead. I should of listen to those around me, death follows where ever he goes; It's our family curse. Now I gotta live with the consequence I didn't even commit.

Tough my eyes could see I still was a bind man
Though my mind could think I still was a mad man

My heart sank as the radio played our old song, the one my dad and I would belt out and bop along to in better times. Now the upbeat melody only mocked my grief. I snapped it off, but the silence was no comfort either.

When the phone rang again, I finally answered, clearing my voice. "Listen, kid-"

"No, you listen," I interrupted, steadying myself. "I'm done. The secrets, the cases - I can't do it anymore. I'm not a puzzle for you to solve. I'm... I'm something else, something even Mom didn't understand. I have to pick up where she left off, alone."

His platitudes only stoked my pain. "You don't care. My whole life has been a lie, and it's caught up with me because of you!" I cried, then ended the call. With a flick of my wrist, the phone sailed onto the highway behind me. Let them try and track me now.

The tears I'd been holding back flooded down my cheeks. I glimpsed my reflection in the mirror - red-eyed, broken. I wiped my face and set my jaw. No one could know who I really was.

The sign appeared up ahead - Welcome to Beacon Hills. Here my new life would begin, free from the family business.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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