Chapter 3

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No TW's that I can think of. Let me know if you see one I didn't put in.

~James POV~

I was originally going to the kitchen to get some food, but when I looked on the map, I seen that Regulus was at the astronomy tower. I wondered what he would be doing this late at night. So, forgetting about the food, I made my way to the astronomy tower.

When I got there, I walked up the stairs. As I was walking in, I seen Regulus sitting with his knees pulled up to his chest sitting on the ground with a book in his hand. "Regulus?" I asked. "He looked up, "What're you doing up here?" He said, losing all of the bitterness that was in his voice on the train. "I could ask you the same," I responded. "I asked you first," He replied. "I couldn't sleep" I said. It wasn't a total lie; I actually couldn't sleep. "Can I sit?" I asked. "Sure," he replied. Regulus had set his book down. "Can I ask you a question?" I said. "You just did," he said. "Well can I ask you another one?" I said. "You just did," he said again. "Ok well can I- you know what I'm just going ask," I said, "are you actually okay?" I asked seriously. "Why do you care?" He replied. "Because your Sirius's brother and you look like you haven't eaten in forever," I said softly. "I'm worried," I added. "You don't even know me," he said. "But I want to know you," I spoke looking at him directly, "if you'll let me." He didn't say anything after, just looked at me for a moment. I took that as a yes.

I stayed there with him for a while, we sat in a comfortable silence as he read his book. I noticed little things about him I hadn't before. Like how his eyes light up a bit when he gets to a good part in his book or the way the moon reflects on his pale skin or how his hair falls in front of his eyes to the point where I want to brush it behind his ear. He'd look up at me once in a while as if he was questioning why I was still here. After a bit he started packing up his bag. "Bye Potter," he said as he was walking out. "Wait Regulus," I said he turned to face me, "do you maybe want to meet up here tomorrow?" "Sure," he said shortly, and I swear I seen his lips twitch upwards.  I smiled, "Goodnight, Regulus."

As I laid in bed, I thought about my conversation with Regulus. He never answered if he was okay. I also thought about the small smile he gave me and his lips- Merlin I should not be thinking about my best friend's brother this way. I told myself I would help him, and he clearly needed my help, so I have no time to be thinking about him this way.  But it was hard not to when his hair looked so soft and- fuck. This is going to be hard.

~Regulus's POV~

I laid in my bed, thinking about my conversation with Potter. He seemed to actually care. Not only was think about the conversation but also his smile that was as bright as the sun even though it was dark and his messy curly hair that seemed as if he hadn't ran a brush through it in days. I was aware that I had feelings for him, I always did. From the moment Sirius got home and told me all about his friends. It was also quite obvious that Sirius had a thing for Remus. And he was apparently dating him now.  I knew I was supposed to James. He was the one who took Sirius away from me. But I couldn't help but not hate him. It was quite a shitty situation if you thought about it. My parents would kill me if they found out I had feelings James Potter. Or if I had feelings at all. I looked at the time, I realized I should probably go to bed.

"Reg, get up we don't want to be late," Evan said buttoning up his shirt. "Fine," I said stretching. I quickly got in the show and got dressed. I put a drying charm on my hair and brushed it out. "Ready?" Barty asked. "Yeah," I said. With that we made our way to the great hall.

~I feel like it's kinda cliché but I hope you like it~

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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