three | cat fights and secret spots

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'you'd be the love of my life when i was young.'
-21, gracie abrams

"so where were you all day yesterday?" jj asked me while we sitting on the porch

"uhm i was with Sarah." i said trying to hide the fact i was with freaking Rafe.

"oh ok. We missed you the other night."

"oh ya i had alot of studying to do." jj kept questioning me and i was maybe just jumpy because of the text Rafe and i got. Sarah and John b walked in.

"what the hell is she doing here?" kiara asked. She was pissed.

"Kie let John b explain."

"you literally brought a kook here." she said getting more angry.

"Kie you are a kook." Atticus said.

"whatever. John b what the hell."  i felt bad for Sarah. She had been really nice to me and i didn't like that Kie and her hated eachother.

"i told you." sarah said looking over and John b.

"told him what exactly? That your'e a liar?"

"no that your'e a shit talking bitch." she snapped back

"damn." i said under my breath

"oh shit." pope said

"my moneys on Kie." jj said. I smacked him and told him to shut up.

"You guys don't make this a big deal." my brother said staring at Kiara

"You have to choose." Kie said keeping eye contact with jb

"i can't."

"and why's that?" she said angrily.

"I love her and your'e my best friend." he said staring at each of the girls.

"LOVE HER? was what it you said? oh that your'e just using her to get the gold." she was getting angrier 

"look i'm not gonna deny that love just walked in." he said.

"you love me?" Sarah said once she ha a chance to speak.

"i mean ya"

"ok guys just stop." i said. I was getting fed up with John b and kie

"i am done." Kie said walking out of the château.

"I am gonna go home too." Sarah said leaving.

"look, John b she will understand just give her a minute." i said getting up. "Wanna go surfing jay?"

"ya come on." he said walking out of the door.

JJ and i surfed for a couple hours. when we were done we came back to the land and sat on our towels.

"So got any guys you like?" he said staring at me

"What?" i said laughing.

"oh come on Sum i know you like someone."

"jj i don't and if i did you would be the first to know." I hated lying to him, he was my best friend and i was lying to save my ass.

"ok i guess i thought you were secretly dating someone, its just you haven't been hanging out a lot with us lately."

"Ya i guess i have just been busy." my phone dinged and i picked it up. "one sec." i said. i was  hoping it wasn't that s person. It was just my mom asking where i was. i told her with JJ. "my mom wants to know if you wanna come over for dinner." i said.

"ya that sounds fun." he said getting up.


My mom came into my room. "hey honey i wanted to know if you had already gotten your dress for midsummers?"

"uh ya i did why."

"oh i just wanted to make sure. Can i see it?" she said before opening up my closet door.

"ya its in the garnment bag." she opened the bag and saw the champagne colored dress and sighed in awe.

"wow honey this is so pretty." she said pulling it out of the bag.

"i know i love it and it looks great on me." i said looking back at my book.

"wait this says its from Ben Silver, when did you go to the mainland without me?" i had to make up a lie i couldnt tell her i was with Rafe.

"oh when i was with Sarah, we went on the mainland. She got hers there too." i said getting off my bed

"oh well i love it. try it on for me?" she said handing me the bag.

"ok." i said taking from her.

i looked at. my phone and saw another text from the unknown number.



good save there Sum. Mommy almost found out about your little secret.


i threw my phone on my bed. "you ok honey?" my mom asked me.

"uh ya i just uh got a dumb spam text." i said

12:30 am

JJ had decided to sleep over with my brother and i was in my room. I got a text from Rafe telling me to meet him at the motel we usually met at. i told him i'd be there in 15.

I climbed out of the window and to my car. I drove to the place and made sure my location was off.

"hi." i said walking into the room.

"hey we need to figure out who sent that text." he said locking the door.
"ya about that, i got another text from them." i said showing him my phone.

"shit Summer. What did you do?" he said putting he his hands on his eyes. 

"look my mom was looking at my dress and noticed it was from Ben silver, i lied ok she doesn't know or suspect anything." i said sitting on the bed. Rafe walked over to me and sat down.

"we are screwed."

"i know bub, i know." i said rubbing his back

"we can't keep doing this Summer. The lying, sneaking around, and Sarah, she knows ok shes dragged into it." he said

"Rafe since when do you care about lying and Sarah?" 
"its just a bad situation." he said.

"Rafe its ok." i said

"no our dads hate each other and he hates me a lot more." he said looking at me.

"its gonna be ok Rafe. I will be 18 next year, and then he can"t say anything about it." i said then i gave him a kiss. He kissed me back immediately. He took his North Face jacket off, then i took my shirt off. Falling into the kiss deeper and deeper.

sweet relief - rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now