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Parts of my body that make me feel dysphoric

TW: Mentions of body parts (I'm going to be mentioning the reasons why certain body parts make me feel dysphoria, if you consider it offensive, I apologize in advance)

Feet: 0/10

Legs: 8/10 (I hate my legs, they are SO DAMN CURVY)

Vag!na: 788/10 ( I am not explaining)

Hips:  7/10 (Their curvy, but not worse them my stupid legs)

Stomach: 2/10 ( It doesn't give me dysphoria, I just wish I was skinnier)

Chest: 789/10 (I don't even have to explain myself)

Neck: 0/10

Head: 1/10 ( I have an egghead)

Face: 8/10 (I have a girl face)

Hair: 3/10  ( It gets a little long sometimes, and I never know what to do with it)

Shoulders: 3/10 ( People always tell me men have broad shoulders, and I don't)

Elbows: 0/10

Arms: 2/10 (Its just arms)

Hands: 0/10

Yep. That's my ranking from bottom to top on what body parts make me feel dysphoric. 

If you agree or disagree or I missed anything, feel free to let me know.

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