Chapter 2

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"Hey can you rest for a second and help me with my Spanish essay?" Cam always helps me with Spanish. I may be good at english but for me Spanish it's a different thing.

" Sorry i can't. The games tomorrow and i still don't have this play perfect"

"Can i help?" He laughs. "Well then, when you can, please help me cause i can't fail Spanish"

The first game is tomorrow and they're really nervous about it because it's against the team that won last year. Personally, they're 10 times better than us but who knows maybe by some miracle we'll win.

"Hey guys do you want to watch a movie after dinner?" Ok what's up with Leon? The whole family watching a movie? Never gonna happened but i would like to see him try. "Common guys let's spend some family quality time"
Liam picked the movie so we're watching Captain America. This kid loves marvel.

I notice dad it's really on edge so i ask him what's wrong.
" We don't have time for this and you two should be practicing. Common get up lets go." They stayed there. "Do you wanna lose tomorrow? Get your ass on that court or i'll make you!" The twins look at each other and get up so fats it moved the couch.
"Well at least you tried" I gave Le a comforting hug and went to get Liam that fell, asleep in his bed. I went back to the living room and Le was also asleep. I sit by his side and continue to watch the movie.

I woke up in my bed. It's 9 am and the game starts at 12. I get up and take a hot shower.
I miss my mom. She was so kind and lovely. Her and dad were the perfect couple. We were the perfect family. Well that's what it felt like, we had our ups and downs but in the end we all loved each other. Now it just seams like we exist and live in the same house but can't even call it a home anymore. Not since she died.
I put on a denim skirt and Cameron's old team's number, 22.

"Hey when are you coming to pick me up?" I called Yara who usually takes me and Mia everywhere because she's the only one with a car. Actually, i have a car, i'm just too scared to drive it. There's no trauma involved or anything i'm just not comfortable driving.
"I went to Mia's first but i'll be there in 10"

"Hey beautiful" I was walking in the direction of the court when a guy approached me. He was tall and i noticed his sweat shirt - he was from the rival team.

"Hi" He's friends come closer and they were all looking at me.

"Is that you boyfriends number?" One of them asked me.

"It's my brothers"

"Oh so your free?"

"Not for you" I tried to leave but they just kept calling me. "I'm sorry horny futebol players but i'm not interested in any of you . In fact i'm here to support my team so if you'll excuse me i'd like to go" I turned my but i heard a new voice.

"Guys leave her alone what's wrong with you"  I looked back and met his green eyes. He smiled at me and i smiled back all of he's team mates started to make a big fuss out of it so i just left.

"Hey can i help with anything?" I noticed Jamie was really focused on he's knee. "Do you need ice?"

"No if dad notices i'll be in big trouble. The whole team is counting on me"

"Hey why did i just saw you talking to the other team?" Nate approached us.

"They talked to me first"

"Yeah? I bet you loved their captain flirting with you"

"Debora what the hell! I don't want you near those guys do you understand me?" Jamie gives he's protective brother speech and i just nod, there's no reason to fight him on this. I looked at the other team and see him. Our eyes met for a few second but i quickly looked way and went to sit next to my friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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