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Ain't NONE of this is proof read lol

My first actual day of work I made a single friend, which was that girl, and her name was Lydia.
She explained everything, and I mean everything, even made a list for me...
○ You will not be talked to, if you do you are very special (huh wonder why he talked to me hint hint)
○You will do your work (I was assigned the garden)
○You will sleep at sunset and rise an sunrise
○You will worship when called
These were pretty much the basics of any cult, except normally the leaders would actually talk. Oh well...
So I worked and worked and worked for a good day. Then came the Sermon.
We gathered in the Curch, and began our songs. I would sneak glances at the Lamb just to see if he was still mad. Of course I was still learning the rules of the church. Which includes not looking at the Lamb, and also not drinking mystery liquids.
We were dancing when I saw the appetizing looking pink bottle. My mouth was parched, and plus what did a little random juice hurt? A lot actually but thats not the point... I took a big Ole gulp of this stuff, which was actually very sweet, and placed it back before anyone noticed.
We finished our worshiping of the undergods and all were exiting when this odd curling feeling in my chest began. I had a feeling it wasn't going to kill me, so I didn't go to the medicine shack. I also didn't want to explain drinking that liquid. So I just carried on with my night, while the feeling creeped its way down to my groin.

A few hours of it slowly increasing woke me from my slumber. I carefully crept out of the sleeping area, where I fell to the ground with an oddly overwhelming feeling in my... down there... Now I wasn't that inexperienced where I didn't know what it meant, but I just never expected it to feel this needy. Like I felt I would die if my issue wasn't handled.  But I couldn't just whip that thang out and do it in middle of nowhere. So I went behind a rock and just started to stroke myself.
I was always quite noisy when I did it, so I had to cover my mouth. I used my deer garment to cover my burning face, and carefully rubbed myself. Now I wasn't all that big, but I sure felt like it with how excited it was. While jerking i had a terrible thought that just this wouldn't help. I felt like I needed someone else to help me. But who??
Around an hour passed and i was covered in sweat, and some other liquids. I had ejaculated at least two times and I couldn't seem to get rid of that feeling. It was so overwhelming I couldn't think, and I like to blame that liquid for what I did next.
I stood on shakey legs, pulled my undergarments back up, and walked towards the closest light. I didn't know that it actually was, how could I? All I know is when I was about 30 yards away another light in the building lit up, was I being that loud? Maybe not but the door swung open to reveal the Lamb holding a light.
"Oh... please help me.. I think I messed up..."
I stumbled up to him and just allowed myself to collapse into him, utterly exhausted from my activities. At least he catched me, before dragging me into his shed.
Seemingly unable to decide whether to break his own rules, he was quietly letting noises out.
"Oh Lamb, I drank a liquid in the church and now these... these feelings won't stop... PLEAE JUST HELP!!!"
I wailed from the discomfort, just wanting something to get rid of the needy feeling.
"You drank the juice?!?!"
He whispered angerly, and all I did was flinch back. He seemed to be in heavy thought while I sat there, wriggling and trying to... relieve myself.
Quickly, he etched some words onto a paper, even as I begged him to just speak.
You need to listen, obey me. What you drank is going to cause some feelings, and the only way to stop it is to let me do something to you. Just obey me and we won't have an issue. This makes you release a pheromone which affects me, and it already is. Do not make noise, do not try to see my face or my body. Obey me
All the obeying set me off, but I really needed this all to stop so I sat there watching him think for a hot minute.
But it seemed like something clicked, and he turned towards me sharply, sniffing deeply. Slowly he crept closer, grabbing my thighs.
"S-stop what are you doing?"
He covered my mouth with some clean cloth and just straight up gagged me. My screams were cut off, and he tore my clothes off of me. Surprisingly, actually maybe not, he was much stronger and I was unable to move especially with the state I was in. He pinned my hands above my head with one hand and with the other he let go of my mouth to touch my member. I had quit screaming more out of fear of being caught now. Carefully, the Lamb began stroking me until I began to pant and beg. I didn't even know what I was begging for honestly.
"Please Lamb... please."
"What do you need? Tell me baby."
That was by far the longest sentence he'd spoken to date. But is that even good? Given the context of it? Either way I just completely gave up on fighting my senses and just went with it.
"Please help me, no matter what Lamb."
The Lamb nodded gently, before he spread my legs apart. Now this, this was new. I did not understand a man could be touched the same way a lady could, but there's always a time to learn. He gently massaged my lower regions and all I could do was wiggle, as I was still being pinned. He looked as though he was watching me, even if I couldn't see his eyes I could feel it.
"Please let me see you..."
I don't even know why I asked it. I knew the answer was no.
He stopped all movement, and just flipped me over onto my stomach. All I did was whimper sadly, but I still needed to be satisfied. The Lamb resumed his movements, a touch more aggressive now. My cheeks were spread gently, and my hole rubbed. I squealed out of embarrassment, not sure of why it felt good as he slowly inserted a finger.
A gentle hushing left him as i quietly whined. He inserted another finger, that included a gentle burning with it. Soon a third came to join the other two, and I was struck with a slight pain at the big stretch.
"W-why does it hurt..."
"It won't get better."
His tone was cold, but the comfort of hearing the Lambs voice was amazing. I got used to the three fingers, even started to get off on only that before he ripped them from my body. To which I groaned at the loss of pleasure. However, a much much thicker thing replaced them at my entrance. I immediately assumed it was his cock, and I was correct.
"Do not scream, it will hurt. A lot."
I bit down onto my arm and felt him begin to put pressure on my ass. At first I wouldn't give, and the Lamb massaged my back comfortingly seemingly trying to get me to relax a bit which was downright impossible. But a sudden pop with the feeling of getting broken into happened. I began to wail as it was wayyyy bigger than those fingers.
He wrapped a hand around my mouth and used the other to hold me down, as I was trying to escape. The Lamb was kind enough to stop and wait until i relaxed enough to move any more, but when he did it felt like I was getting stabbed. In the best way possible.
His cock reached deep, felt like too much even, and it hit a spot inside me that I didn't know I had. It felt so good to have it touched, I could now stop moaning. I wouldn't even call it moaning, I would call it screaming it felt sooooo good. Eventually the Lamb got tired of only having so much in me, he could barely get any pleasure this way, so he just up and shoved as much as he could inside.
I wailed like a banche at the intrusion of my insides. I begged him to stop and slow down, but it's like an animal took over his body. I guess, he was half animal I assume especially looking at his hooves. All I heard except my muffled screams were his heavy praises of calling me a good boy and tight slut, kind of hurtful but I did not care one bit. The stretching of him inside me never seemed to stop and it hurt soo goooddd. I wanted him to breed me. That's it. Breed me.
I wanted to tell him what I thought, I had the need to tell him but all I could do was moan and moan. I couldn't seem to reach my arms to his, so I had one thought. A thought that I didn't even think about.
I lifted myself as good as possible onto my elbows, pushed back enough to make him stop, pulled off... and I decided right then and there that I wanted to look at this man. So I flipped over and looked at him.
In all honesty, I didn't expect him to have his  garments off but he did now didn't he. It was the best thing I'd ever seen. His face had some scars across it, and his hair was a messed bundle of blond. He was pale, with a blush across his entire face and some gorgeous blue eyes. All he did was look at me. I couldn't tell if he was mad, happy, or what. All I know is that we were both naked, touching and fucking eachother... and that his cock was ginormous.
The eye contact lasted probably the longest yen seconds of my life before I was able to speak. Hell I didn't even say what I thought I was going to.
"I love you..."
Those eyes just flinched, like he'd never heard that before. The Lamb just leaned down slowly... and kissed me. He kissed me like a long lost lover, which he very well could have been with all that happened.
Then he just resumed it all. Shoving himself back into me, the Lamb wrapped his big hand around my neck and held me down with it. Trying to make me take more than last time, he absolutely tore up my insides. So much so I bled... and I screamed. Luckily he was kind enough to slow his pace, but never did he stop. It really did seem like he was trying to impregnate me with how far up his cock reached.
After a good ten minutes of pushing and railing, his hips reached mine. Only then did I realize I was barely breathing the entire time. The absolute gasping that endured was surprising to myself, I'd never felt so out of breath. Yet every breath i took I could feel him inside me, pulsing and hot. Moaning from the feeling I looked down to shockingly, not so much, see him inside me... through my stomach. There was a giant protruding bumb that went all the way to the bottom of my ribcage. And I could feel every last inch of it.
Slowly, he pulled it outwards and pushed it back gently. The Lamb built speed until I was just being thrashed around at his mercy, my ass trying to hold onto his cock with each thrust. That good spot in me kept being rubbed over, and over again. It felt so gooodddd. I was screaming about how good it was until I randomly start convulsing from and orgasm.
It was probably the best one I'd every had. The Lamb helped me ride it all out, and even rubbed my stomach to help relax the muscles. My vision went pure white and I arched probably a few inches off of the floor. This whole thing lasted probably at least a minute before I came to and played there panting.
He was still pounding me, but more for his pleasure now. My insides seemed to grip him, trying to milk him almost, as he finally hilted inside me and let go. Immediately I felt a rush of heat, his cum. For some reason it never stopped coming, and it was so far inside it couldn't leave my body either. The only thing I could do was lay there and whimper not even sure why. He leaned down and bit into where my neck and shoulder connect, hard enough to leave marks.
I just wrapped myself around him, not wanting to let go, but alas he made me. Carefully, as to not stimulate me, the Lamb pulled himself out. My ass made an embarrassing pop sound as he left, with a thick stream of cum to follow. It got all over his fur blanket and all I could do was apologize profusely. I felt so so bad.
"I'm sorry Lamb... s-so sorry."
He grabbed me and just hugged me softly. No words spoken. He dressed me carefully. Then he just picked me up, sat me outside, gave me a sweet kiss on the mouth... then closed his door...


This man really just shut the door? Then with horror I saw the sun begin to rise above the horizon. Another work day. I shakily stood up, and walked to the garden to work with out trying to seem odd.

All I wanted was to sleep. All day long. At least the feeling was gone, but a sadness replaced it. Did he really just not want anything to do with me after that? I mean he's still out and about doing his missions and tasks... but he just kicked me out without saying anything. I thought he loved me... oh wait that was me that said that...

The night came and I had been slowly breaking down since he'd left me. Tears had started to fall and I just prayed they didn't show under my mask.
I was walking to my tent, being the last person to finish with my tasks, when I was just snatched up. Kind of rudly might I add. He just walked up behind me, threw me over his shoulder, and walked off with a possesive hand on my ass. I decided to be a brat and try to move, which actually made the Lamb kind of pissed.
When we made to to his shack all he did was throw me onto his clean blanket before continuing fidgeting with his things.
"Why am I here? I thought you didn't want me to be near you? I mean you just threw me our after all. No 'I'm sorry for hurting yous' or anything. Like what do you even want? I'm honestly done-"
The Lamb just took off both our masks and began to kiss me. I tried to push him off, but just couldn't.
"I need this you don't understand... just give me 10 minutes please"
Nodding gently I undressed quickly. He tried to take me the same way we did yesterday, but I actually stopped him. I moved the Lamb onto his back, and I just sat down on him. Completely forgetting how big he was, I'd forgotten to stretch and it hurt like a bitch. But I took it all, even got a few bounces out of me before I just collapsed onto him. Grabbing my hips, I was lifted up and down by him, building speed until we couldn't anymore. By then I was sitting up and bouncing as much as possible to help him. Soon enough, like he'd promised, he ejaculated into my guts, filling me with what seemed like more than last time.
We sat there for a good few minutes before I tried to stand up off him, only to be yanked back down.
He commanded and I of course obeyed my leader. Gently, he sat up and stood up, while keeping me on him.
"Keep it in or out?"
He asked me this, and for once I didn't have an answer. I thought it over and ultimately wanted it our, just so I wouldn't be stimulated all night. Taking me to a bucket, he pulled out rather fast and ripped another orgasm out of my sensitive body.
I screamed as his cum poured out, taking my insides with it. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if they turned inside out. But they didn't of course.
When I was drained he, again, didn't speak as he picked me up. But this time he just layed me down next to him, and he was asleep within seconds. His heavy arms wrapped around my waist so I couldn't move. Soon enough I passed out as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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