A Sentence And A Question

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A crisp, fall day brought on a sense of nostalgia for both women. The morning had been spent with sunlight bleeding through the blinds, highlighting strips of both of their bodies. The light acted like the only disturbance in the atmosphere around each other. Both were awake, simple kisses and soft touches had been a theme for the morning. The sunlight acted as a beacon, a representation of the bright thoughts both were feeling, both hiding the very thoughts in their heads. They weren't bad thoughts per say the very idea of an issue between them didn't make sense. Their thoughts surrounded their families, memories of the beaches of Sicily for Carina, and walks in the park with Mason for Maya. When either's minds would turn or twist to the more traumatising parts of their childhoods, the soft touches would feel like an anchor in a storm, never moving.

Eventually the sunlight didn't shine so brightly, the morning clouds swarmed the sky creating the definition of gloom in Carina's eyes. This weather wouldn't make it to the Italian borders, gloom didn't exist. The bakery downstairs was thriving, Noah had returned and felt like he had to make up for lost time, who was Maya to argue. The two women got up, they showered together and whispered words of hope and love, despite the very idea of admitting love gave both a stress filled hangover. Breakfast had become Carina's job, she cooked for Maya, it was her love language. Her love language didn't fit into the usual list, hers was different but Maya understood that.

They had big plans for the day, plans they hadn't thought up themselves. An official court hearing, or rather sentencing of Station 19. Maya wasn't sure if she was invited along as a final attack on her character or as a member of the case. Carina had supported her, jokingly stating that she'd happily punch every member of the team if they so much as said something in her girlfriend's direction. When the word left Carina's mouth, Maya smiled but nothing else was said. She liked the idea of having a girlfriend... but how the fuck does a relationship work?

Maya's earlier bout of nostalgia was replaced by dread, entering the courthouse again felt like a threat. There was a shift, recognisably, the team had separated themselves. Vic and Travis were the only two who remained within a meter perimeter. The unofficial couples' walking slowed to a creep as they caught up with the group, Maya's hand stayed planted on Carina's lower back and Carina's found their way around Maya's neck. They wanted to be as close as possible as each other, it didn't matter the situation or location.

"Are you okay?" Travis asked, he always felt calm to be around, he'd bring the laughter and the emotions. Maya nodded, stopping all possible advances of conversation. As the silence grew, Carina took notice in the change of Maya's breathing, it had quickened itself causing its owner to panic, Maya was struggling.

"Breathe, bambina, breathe" Carina coached Maya, it didn't take much. Maya's eyes remained on her brown orbs, the world behind them had shattered away. When Maya had calmed down, they resumed their previous positions, except now Carina started to poke Maya's cheek with a finger. Maya jokingly tried to bite her finger but quickly stopped when she saw the team's eyes on her. She didn't want to reveal something so precious to the people who broke her. Before long, a security guard walked into the corridor, inviting all of them to walk into the courtroom.

"All rise" the guard called, rustling of clothes resumed until the burley man walked through the door. Andy was sat in the front; her captain's clothes had been replaced by an orange jumpsuit – the visual representation of her loss of power.

"Let's get this show on the road. If I have this right, the defendant accepted a plea bargain." The judge looked away from the paper in front of him, a silent ripple of nods cascaded left to right in agreement.

"That makes my job fairly easy. Andrea Herrera, I sentence you to 18 months prison sentence with an extra 6 months of community service. You will be completing your sentence at the Women's correctional facility close to Tacoma." The judge sentenced; Andy's head hung low. Carina's hand stayed in Maya's it had never left.

"Why am I not happy?" Maya whispered to Carina; she shrugged in return.

Their attention was turned back to the front as the judge continued. He'd moved onto Robert Sullivan; it didn't feel right seeing him be sentenced. He deserved worse.

"Robert Sullivan, I sentence you to 2 years in a men's correctional facility where you will receive rehabilitation safely and correction." Sullivan turns his head; a grimacing smile threatens the group of firefighters, but his eyes stay stuck on Maya – she's the issue, she caused all of this. He is then shoved to a standing position and marched out of the room, soon followed by his ex-wife.

"This concludes this court case, and a 10-minute recess shall begin now." The judge stands, everyone stands as he walks out.

Her old friends walked out behind me, there was a moment of tranquillity before a hand carefully touched Maya's back, slightly causing her to jump. She turned to see an apologetic look on Vic's face.

"I understand if you think this is a stupid idea, but I was wondering if the rest of the team and I could come to your bakery for the afternoon. You'd have a good few customers to try your coffee? A few more good reviews?" Vic listed reasons, plausible reasons to why Maya should have accepted but she hesitated.

"I'm not ready for that, for them to know or walk into the safe place I made for myself. Have you told anyone?" Maya questioned quietly, Jack and Ben looked over at them, observing both in confusion.

"No one knows, it's all up to you Bishop. I just want to formally say that we are all sorry for how we acted, including Jack" Vic spoke louder as she mentioned the tall and awkward but loveable man. Jack's eyebrows quirked but he didn't dare step forward after seeing Maya's face.

"Are you just saying that because you aren't joining Andy or Sullivan?" Maya cautiously asked. Carina had noticed the conversation; her hand had found a spot slightly lower to where Vic's had been. With calming circular motions and the slow playing of the hair, she felt Maya move more into her, she could feel the tension leave the body of Her Maya.

"It really isn't. I can only speak for myself, but I think a few of us are definitely sorry for how we acted towards you. It wasn't far on your or the station. With regards to being with Andy or Sullivan, we all were given a warning and if either of us touch a drug, we'll be prison buddies." Vic replies, the awkwardness in the air was very one-sided, Maya could feel it but had begun to enjoy the calming movements of Carina to really care.

"I'm glad you're understanding things from a different perspective. That's good, but I can't be near any of you. Maybe one day that'll change but for now, that won't happen." Maya leaves Vic and the few members listening, some hope. She doesn't quite know why but it felt right.


The tiresome day ended the way it started, a light in the corner of the room acted like the natural sunlight which had long gone. The same simple and innocent kisses and touches passed the evening away. Conversations were few and far between but both had something on their mind.

"Be my girlfriend. I know it's too soon and I know you'll probably run for the hills but I like... like you" Maya awkwardly and terribly loudly stated. She recoiled into herself as she waited.

"First of all, you know I'm too unfit to climb a hill, let alone run up it." Carina replied with a deadpan look on her face.

"N-no you wouldn't actually run for the hills; you'd probably leave and never talk to me again which would make sense. Als-" Maya was interrupted, she hated it. Carina had a knack to interrupt her, Carina loved the stress and annoyance Maya would have momentarily before it'd be replaced with a bashful smile.

"If you want me to be your girlfriend because you like like me, you'll need to ask me properly" Carina teased but Maya took it a little too seriously.

"You better say yes to this crap" Maya muttered, moving out from under the covers, leaving Carina in a state of momentary confusion.

"My, Carina Deluca. Shall thee beest mine own girlfriend" Maya stuttered her way through some clearly jumbly Shakespearean language. Her face scrunched together in annoyance as Carina laughed at her.

"What about French?" Carina teased, Maya rolled her eyes. She stood, climbing back into bed and above Carina. Carina's legs remained bent and together but willingly dropped both once Maya pushed them apart. Maya took the opportunity to kiss Carina, the fervour both kissed with almost caused brief amnesia.

"Carina Deluca, will you be my girlfriend" Maya asked after pulling away from Carina. Carina nodded, her hands found the side of Maya's cheeks as she pulled her into a kiss.

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