Prologue: The Gate Opens

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Author's note: I sincerely apologize for my mistake the first time in skipping the prologue. It was a mistake and hope you guys are still willing to give the story a chance.

"Life's not fair, born at the top of society, and I'm still not free." Itami Von Gemischt groaned to himself.

The young Reich nobleman ran a hand through his spiky black hair as if to ease his headache, but the strain remained. Intrusive thoughts on the drilling schedule of his troops, supply briefings, and the upcoming campaign season refused to go away even now amid his brief escape from it all. A soft dog-like whine echoed through the air, and a warm green-scale-covered snout pressed against his face, followed by a moist tongue.

"Ahhh, komm schon, Forest. You're not helping."

Despite his words, Itami smiled a little, and the dragon licked harder. He rode atop the orca-sized emerald green beast that soared above the Reich Empire. Savoring the cool breeze against his face, Itami and his dragon took in the vast countryside below. A sea of rolling green hills flowed as far as the eye could see, broken up by islands, trees, low mountains, and vast stretches of farmland.

Forest took a large whiff of the nearest fields, or rather the pastures of pigs, cows, and other animals. Itami grimaced at the stench of their waste and glared at his dragon, who bombarded his mind with mental images of the beasts on her dinner plate.

"We'll get lunch at the commune. No stopping at any estates. Someone will recognize us."

Itami leaned in and kept low when they started passing massive castles and estates with other dragons flying or resting around them. Once clear, he and Forest fixed themselves on a grand town ahead of them. All the roads from the countryside and a port further off in the distance lead to it, with massive caravans of people flowing across the cobblestone highways like fish in a river coming to and from the commune.

Unlike the castles and walled towns they passed earlier, which all flew a matching banner of the Reich Empire, a golden two-headed crowned dragon on a black background, this town's battlements flew an orange standard with a cargo wagon emblazoned in the center.

"Pforte! Finally, my hobby will live on if they have it."

Forest gave him an assuring nuzzle before taking them in lower. A handful of men clad in yellow brigandine chest plates and open-faced sallet helmets stood guard by the open gate and above it. Those below collected tolls from merchants wishing to do business, while those above manned two Scorpios.

Itami eased Forest until she hovered just over them and blasted the guards with wind from her wings.

"Guten Tag, Mein Herr. Welcome to Pforte. What is your business here?"

"Buying. Are there Kaigai merchants in town this day?"

"Ja, a few. Enjoy your stay, Mein Herr."

The guards inclined their heads, and Forest flew past them, scattering a few people as she landed in the streets below. A thick bead of sweat ran down Itami's face as he offered apologies to those she frightened, then gave his dragon a stern look. Forest smirked back at him. Itami climbed down and took in the vast commune around him.

Well-paved streets broke up rows upon rows of fine wooden buildings, all two stories high at least. Most had colorful tiled roofs or shining wooden ones, while marble manors broke up the rows with vibrant gardens and flowing fountains around them.

"Guten Tag, Mein Herr."

A deep voice sent a shiver down Itami's spine. He gritted his teeth and cringed while Forest panted and wagged her massive tail, almost knocking over a few people behind her. Itami looked up at the giant who emerged from the shadows adorned in a tailored dark blue frock jacket barely containing his titan-like body of pure muscle and broad shoulders. The man stood a foot taller than Itami at seven feet, with a powerful jaw, deep blue eyes, and short brown hair.

Gate: Thus the Reich Empire Fought There, RevisedWhere stories live. Discover now