🔊 ahahah okay bye girl, Be fun. Be kinky.

🗣️ I've been both. Now byeeeee.


As soon as I say it I hang up the phone, surprisingly she doesn't call me back. She just messages me telling me to explain later.

I probably will explain later, but it's hard because I wanna talk to Ana about things with Issac but it's her brother and it might be awkward.

The bed is so comfortable here, I'm no longer mad about the one room because it'll be nice to spend time with Issac and not have to put a play on for people.

I stare at the ceiling with all the thoughts clouding my brain. There's only one thought that sticks out to me.

Is he lying about everything?

I hate that my father has made me so angry and hurt. Because all that emotion meant for him has been taken out on the wrong people for the last few years.

My father was a liar in every single way possible, he made me believe in everyone, even the people who used me and hurt me.

Speaking of people who used me, a knock at my cabin door makes me sit up from this comfy bed.

Jackson. Great.

"What do you want?" I ask, genuinely shitting myself because Issac isn't here right now. He's at a dinner with his family.

"To come in and talk? If that's possible."

A laugh escapes my mouth, I lift my hand to my face trying to stop it but it doesn't work, I continue laughing and slam the door in his face.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

I'm not even opening it this time, that is until it becomes a continuous panic knocking and the person behind it is shorter than a man especially Jackson.

It's Ana, I scramble unlocking the door I just slammed. She has a panic look on her face and in the background Jackson is on the floor with Issac standing over him. Elijah runs over when Ana screams for him and then I'm running.

It was only a few meters away but it seems to go by slowly, almost like it's happening in slow motion.

"Issac stop, please stop." Ana repeats over and over.

I go into shock seeing him kicking Jackson. I freeze and my mind goes back to the night where my father was kicking me downstairs just because I didn't hear him shout my name.

The next thing I know I'm laid in my bed with Issac placing a cold towel on my head. I passed out. Shit.

"Lil darling? Are you awake? Do you need anything? Do you want me to call Ana?"

So many questions and so little answers.

I get my confidence back and realise I'm fine again, before answering Isaac's questions I stand up and he follows me.

I twist my body around and place my hands on his chest before continuously pushing and lightly punching his chest and abs.

"You fucking idiot. You could of got hurt. He's so dangerous. Issac you could of got hurt." I slowly sink into his arms crying.

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