"But it did nothing to protect him from the Child Abusers inside" said Andromeda. "Unspeakable Croaker, if you would please."

The man poured memories into the Pensieve. The audience was horrified, as they watched Harry repeatedly get beaten up for anything to nothing, how he wasn't given food for days at a time, how he had to work at such a tender age, how he was whipped with a belt, forced to sleep in a cupboard, and finally the incident where his uncle stabbed him.

Sirius was sobbing loudly. Harry went over to him and gave his godfather a tight hug. Harry's face was pale, and a lone tear slid down his cheek as he watched his memories. He mentally shuddered thinking what would have happened if he had not discovered about magic when he did. He probably would have come to Hogwarts as a meek and clueless child, just as Dumbledore wanted.

Once they ended, the chamber was silent. Madam Marchbanks cleared her throat. "This has been one horrible day. I don't need more time; I have already reached my decision. Severus Tobias Snape, you have been charged with the harassment of a minor child; Legilimency attack on the minor Lord of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Potter; felicitated the murder of the Lord and Lady of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Potter and also facilitated in the torture and permanent incapacitation of the Lord and Lady of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Longbottom. For this, you will be sentenced to life in Azkaban. All those who agree?" she asked.

A majority of them lit their wands. "So convicted."

"Peter Alfred Pettigrew, you have been charged with the facilitation of the murder of the Lord and Lady of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Potter and for the murder of thirteen muggles. For this crime, you will be sentenced to life in Azkaban. All those who agree?"

Again, a majority of them lit their wands. "So convicted"

"Sirius Orion Black, you had been falsely charged and placed in Azkaban without a trail. The Ministry deeply apologises for this debacle. I hereby order the DMLE to pursue this matter and find out how Lord Black was denied a trial. The Ministry also wishes to compensate you 2 million galleons for your unjust imprisonment."

"I also order the DMLE to find and arrest the muggles responsible for the attempted murder of the Heir of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Potter. They will be tried by the Wizengamot in the next session."

"And finally, I move for the removal of Albus Dumbledore as Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot as he has been negligent in his duties and gross corruption has been detected. I also move to remove him as the representative of Magical Britain in the International Confederation of Wizards. We shall call for a vote now" said Madam Marchbanks.

"You can't do this! I'm Albus Dumbledore, the Leader of the Light. Everything I do is for the Greater Good" he shouted, letting his emotions control him, eyes blazing with fury.

"You'll find that I can" said Madam Marchbanks coldly. "All those in favour?"

It was a somewhat narrow vote. It looked like Dumbledore really was the Leader of the Light as the majority of the faction did not vote in favour. But their votes weren't enough against the Grey and Dark faction.

"Albus Dumbledore you are hereby impeached from the office of the Chief Warlock and your representation of Magical Britain in the ICW is terminated. Please do not attend any further meetings in the ICW unless you are called. Session Closed" she said and banged her gavel.

The Lords and Ladies got up slowly, still in shock over the events. Sirius was still crying, burying his head in Harry's chest. The Aurors took Snape and Pettigrew away to the holding cells. Harry pulled away from his godfather. "Sirius, I don't blame you for what happened. You were played by a master manipulator. When Hagrid refused to hand me over to you, what would you have done? Fight with him? I remember you saying that you would be back to take care of me once you catch the traitor. But it was not meant to be" he said.

Harry Potter and the Lighting LordWhere stories live. Discover now