15. illicit affairs

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"Make sure nobody sees you leave"

***Spot's POV***

"Oh my gosh, it still smells like cologne in here," Charlie says as she climbs into my truck, wrinkling her nose. "Do you never clean your truck?"

I laugh. "Cleaning doesn't help when it's soaked into the carpet. You're the only one who notices anymore."

Charlie raises her eyebrows as I pull away from the house. I finally got ahold of her so we can hang out today. "Who else are you having in the truck?"

I shake my head. "I have friends, you know."

"Really?" Charlie asks, frowning. "I didn't think you did."

I reach over and push her head away as she laughs. "Idiot. You're too immature for a girl who's going to be a freshman in less than a month."

She groans. "Don't remind me. The only thing I'm excited for is hopefully being able to beat Manhattan in volleyball. Coach is considering pulling me up to varsity though, and I heard Manhattan varsity has a lot of potential this year."

I think back to times where April and I talked about volleyball. She's a setter and people tell her she's good, but she doesn't really know. She says her hitters are really good though. "I'm sure it'll be a close game. But being pulled up to varsity as a freshman is great. Your coach must have a lot of faith in you."

Charlie nods and turns up the radio. It's on some rock station Ace turned it to last time he was in here. Charlie flinches. "Ew, what the heck is this?" She takes the aux cord and plugs her phone in.

"Taylor Swift?" I ask, raising my eyebrows.

"You know it." 

The first song on is "ME!", the one I danced to with April in her room that first night. Charlie starts singing and I hum along.

Charlie turns towards me. "You know this song?"

"Yes, I know this song."

"Okay, so what girl are you hanging out with that's getting you to listen to Taylor Swift?"

I roll my eyes. "You, Charlie. You listen to this song every time we're hanging out."

"I can't help that I'm in my Lover era."

"Okay so what boy are you hanging out with that's making you be in your Lover era?" I ask, twisting her question back on her.

Charlie sighs. "It was a joke, Sean."

I pull into the roller-skating rink parking lot five minutes later. When Charlie and I hang out together, we either go to the movies, bowling, roller-skating, ice-skating, mini golfing, or we go to the mall. Today it was decided that it was going to be a roller-skating day.

I grab my phone and see a text from April as we get out of the car.

     Spark: Crutchy told all my friends that we were dating over breakfast today. The guys started yelling at me, but Sarah and Izzy defended me. The boys left all angry, so I explained everything to the girls. They're on my side. Can you come over tonight, please? I really want to see you and I think we need to talk.

Brooklyn vs. Manhattan *Spot Conlon Modern AU*Where stories live. Discover now