He looks at the guy..

Shekhar -Anyways.. You take rest now.. We will take your leave.. I will instruct the doctors here to look after you.. You don't have to worry about anything.. Just concentrate on getting better..

Ragini - Dad.. How can we leave him like this..

Shekhar - What can we do..?? Are we doctors.. He is in safe hands and I will keep taking updates.. Right now I have to go to the office as well..

Guy looks at her and his expression turns slightly disappointed..

Guy - You are going..??

Ragini looks at him and then at Shekhar..

Ragini - Why don't you go now and I stay here with him..

Shekhar - Oh no.. Like hell no.. You are coming with me.. Don't you have something to do..??

Ragini - No..I am free.. That's why I agreed to give you lift..

Shekhar - Nope.. You come with me..

He holds her gamd and drags him with her..

Shekhar - Bye.. Take care..

As they were about to go out of the room..

"What is your name?? "

They turns to look at the guy who asked this question..

Shekhar - I already told you.. Shekhar gadodia..

Guy (hesitatingly) - Uhmm.. Not you... Her.....

He looks at ragini expectantly.....

Shekhar (muttering under his breath) - Moron.. Flirting with my daughter while I am standing just here..

Ragini smiles at him..

Ragini - I am Ragini Gadodia.. I am sorry I didn't ask your name..

Guy - You can call me l...lucky......

Ragini - Lucky..??

Lucky nods his head..

Ragini - Alrighy lucky.. I will see you later.. Do take care of yourself..

Lucky - I will.. Thank you..

They both smile at each other..

"You guys done..?? "

They look at shekhar who was looking irritated ..

Shekhar (fakely smiling) - Bye......... Lucky..

Saying that he takes ragini out while lucky looks at them going..

A surprised but a wide smile appears on his face..

Lucky -Ragini.......Is that how angels look..??


As they both sor in the car ragini looks at Shekhar with frown..

Ragini - What was that..??

Shekhar - What was what..??

Ragini - That behavior .. Weren't you being quite rude there..?? We shouldn't have left him like this.. He is new here, he is hurt and he doesn't have his family right now with him.. You should have been considerate..

Shekhar - So.. What could you do.. Are you santa Claus..?? There are hundreds of people in that hospital.. We can't be with them..

Ragini - But we are responsible for his condition..

Shekhar - Correction .. I am not responsible.. And double correction.. He himself is responsible.. He admitted it..

Ragini - Doesn't change the fact that he was hit by my car..

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