02 - Night Garden

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The experiment, damn it he hated thinking of this word, it make him cruel, went well. But not halfway. By pouring a repeated amount of magic into the possessed victim, Tatsumi felt his body's strength growing at an observable rate. After surging it with his magic, he waited for his body to recover, then pour again, and recover, and recurred.

His magic control had improved; denser, more vital, and stronger.

One day, while focusing on controlling his magic, in a flash of light, he barely notices the lump of meat changing into a young female blond elf at an age similar to him. The changes instantly appeared the moment he was able to entirely suppress and contain the magic deviation.

"I guess I just found a simple cure to the most demonic-created disease in history?" Tatsumi asks no one. A distant growl in agreement echoed in the back of his mind. Who knew something that decomposed could revert to normal from a simple solution?

It's been almost a month since he found it–her. While thinking of that lump of meat-turned-girl, Tatsumi sighs while standing in a broken house with her in that same abandoned village.

The moment she returned to normal, he was ashamed the first thing he noticed about her was her lack of clothes, practically exposing herself to his young mind. She doesn't seem to care about that, however. He thought elves were mature mentally despite their physical body age.

Barely, the unconscious elf opens her blue eyes. The same one her Demon Possessed self had. Tatsumi wearily looked at her while leaning over a wooden crate. It's natural to be cautious for an assassin in this harmless-looking situation. After all, he could feel the month's worth of magic he poured inside her. She could be experienced in spells and might mistake him to be a, ugh, a rapist.

"You're awake."

The elf slowly sat up, her eyes staring at him before they gazed at her hands. Her eyes widened, "I'm..."

She touched her hands and body, feeling her skin and familiar warmth, "But– I can't be!"

He watches her reaction, staying silent while she feels up her lithe figure that he's trying to avert his eye from.

"T–this! It's impossible!"

He spoke, alerting her of his presence and drawing her eyes, "Uhm. Will you be alright?"

"H–huh? Y–you, how did you?"

"I broke your curse." He said simply as her eyes widened. "So, I guess you're free now?"

"You did this?" She raises a question, unsure. As if she had no clue of what transpired.

"What curse?" Tatsumi blinked at her response. She really had no idea.

He confirmed and recap, "The curse created by the Demon King called Demon Possession. A horrid curse cast on the descendants of the Three Heroines from the distant legends."

Her face remained confused.

Tatsumi grabbed a nearby book that he borrowed from the Kagenou Library. "I know you're consternated. But, you probably heard of the infamous fairy tale recorded in the historic scriptures about the Three Heroes that saved the world after defeating the Demon King Diablos."

The book is one of the many he borrowed and goes over in his daily training. This one contained a front page depicting the figures of the Three Heroes.

However, it wasn't just from this book he learned all of this. He killed and forcefully extracted a lot of information from the cultists he captured over the month.

"Most of the world believes the story is a myth. What they don't know is that this legend, among any certain others, are all factual." He saw her eyes widen, full of shock.

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