9 doin time

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its been about half a week since you slept at taras. me and johnnie are messaging alot and so are me and tara. we have hung out once since the little sleepover

today me brooke evie and eva are going to the mall. we havent went anywhere as a group in ages so we wanted to go somewhere fun and what better to do then go to the mall

brook drove us there obviously and i managed to bribe everyone in the car to listen to lana del rey by saying i would pay for eveyones lunch.

were  here. the mall was very big. in england there wasnt really malls. well there was but we called the shopping centres.

when we got in brooke and eva dragged me and evie to sephora which i didnt mind. i just liked looking at everything.

eva and brooke bought some skin care and we left. i then made everyone go to starbucks because i was buying lunch.


we had all just finished dinner and we were now all just walking around so i thought this was the perfect time to tell everyone about who i had been hanging out with

"so uhm i have a confession" i say eva side eyes me and smile's because she already knows what in going to say because i literally tell her everything

"what is ittttt" evie says raising an eyebrow

brooke just lookes at me smiling as always. shes such a smiley girl shes the type of person who can always make you happy when your sad.

"sooooo you know when i go out with tara"i say exaggerating the o.

everyone nods wanting me to continue

"and you know that johnnie guilbert im OBSESSED with" i say sounding excited

"that emo" evie asks

"yes the emo" i say jokingly sounding pissed off

"but anyway basically tara introduced us and were now good friends" i say with a big smile plastered across my face

"OMG THAT IS SO GOOD" brook yells

"I KNOWWW AHHH" i shout back

we were all squealing and giggling like little girls in the middle of the mall

"i love how the teachers said we would never make it in life but look at us now living in america we're literally girl bosses" i say

"that was a little random y/n" evie says


its now 5:55 and we were on our way home. we got lots of new things and i got the sunglasses i have been wanting for agessss so i can't wait to wear them.

when we arrived eva went straight for a nap and evie and brooke we're going out for something to eat and a walk.

i hadn't had anything to eat since dinner so i was hungry so i decided to cook dinner but i decided to message johnnie first. when i checked he had already messaged.


johnnie: heyy

y/n: helloo

johnnie: are you doing anything??

y/n: making dinner hby

johnnie: nope i want to see youu

y/n: come see me thenn
y/n: my address is *address*

california // johnnie guilbert x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now