September 30th

110 11 1

Dear Maddie,

Happy birthday! I miss you, so so so so much and I haven't seen you for what feels like a year. However you are my sister that has loved and cared for me and talked to me everyday, well until this Hollywood phase you're going through right now, and I love you Maddie.

I care about you, Maddie.

Everyone I know cares about you.

Mom, Abby, Ryan and Tyler,

I'm pretty sure even Maliboo misses you.

Maddie, if you read any of these can you please reply. You have and you should know out home address,

You don't even need to send a letter, even a text! Please Maddie I can't live without you. And I can only dream to think what you're doing on your birthday, in California, on your birthday. I assume you have a raving party set up because with all the fame and money from Sia I can't imagine you not.

Please Maddie, just drop a text, just say 'Hi' you barely have to lift a finger. It won't take five seconds.

Love with more love than ever,

Kenzie boo xxx

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